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Based on the predecessors?studying achievement combined with my own investigation and study, my dissertation makes a systematic exposition of the four- hundred-year developing history of Chinese Yangqin which is including three parts: In part one, I inquire into Yangqin’s historic origin and comment on the four main views concerned with Yangqin’s origin in accordance with the various appearances and structures of Yangqin and it’s wide spreading. In part two, I focus on expounding yangqin’s spreading and its vicissitudes in china. There are two sections in this part. In section one, in view of Yangqin’s spreading into china, I draw such a conclusion that Yangqin was brought to China from Europe via macau by Ricci,Matthieu in 1610. In section two, based on the available data, I summarized Yangqin’s appearances and structures, its spreading areas and playing during the period of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China (1919- 1949). In part three, I mainly discussed the Yangqin art of China four parts including the musical instrument reform, music composition, performing skill’s, theory studying and its instruction. Moreover, I also summarized the great achievement of Yangqin art made in the latest fifty years and point out the problems which needs solving in the future development of Yangqin art. The almost-400-year developing history of Yangqin in China is also Yangqin’s ationalizing process and the social, historic and cultural background of different periods play a decisive role in the process of Yangqin’s ationalizing I just want to take the musical instrument, Yangqin as a typical example. I expect to be able to demonstrate the ordinary developing law of traditional Chinese musical instrument through this thesis so as to provide some concrete facts and experience both for the progress of our nation’s musical instrument and the cause of our instrumental music. Writer: Li Xiang-ying Translator: Zhou Zheng-heng
目的:本研究旨在了解(1)老年人与青年人食管动力学,(2)老年、非老年胃食管反流病(GERD)患者食管动力学改变、食 管酸暴露的情况,(3)滑动性裂孔疝(HH)对 GERD患者食管
本文旨在研究不同禽类竞争性排斥培养物对肉鸡沙门氏菌定植、免疫力及血液生化指标的影响。 一日龄未开食饮水的艾维因肉鸡200只,随机分成四组,一组为对照组(D组),其余三组分别
本文在分析夸张和低调的语用功能基础上试从认知语用的角度来解释夸张和低调在交际中的使用和理解,并就英语和汉语中的大量例子进行对比分析。 本文认为,夸张和低调是人们日