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Understanding the use of public space in high-density cities is a growing concern for designers and city officials. The world has been globalizing andurbanizing at fast speeds and today, over half of the world’s population lives in urban environments. High-density cities are a result of a large amount of people living in relatively close proximity to each other. The concentration of people in a small area creates smaller private space for people. Therefore, the public space will be utilized more and the design and use of public space has affects on the people and the city.Three urban parks were selected in the central core of Shanghai to observe the useof public space. Quantitative and qualitative analysis along with user surveys were conducted to create a better understanding of the performance and activities happening in the parks. The research found large amounts of people using the park during openhours. The park is more than a park for people and provides the space needed to perform activities. A list of design considerations were developed based on research and observations, such as more efficient uses of space.
Social housing architecture in Italy is struggling with the theme of integration. Design in multi ethnic districts is currently under evolution and religiouspluralism is oftennot consideredin the desi
The subjects of this thesis are urban, transitional places; public spaces whose utility is deifned primarily by transit and trafifc. While these places are part of the everyday life of a large amount
The aim of the thesis is to discuss about an apparent paradoxical situation, namely of intimacy in public space. Intimacy is a difficult concept to analyze as the perception that the human being has o
Post-disaster temporary housing is in turn the intermediate stage between disaster and reconstruction of permanent homes, and hence their importance with regard to the entire recovery process.  The ob
The research is aimed to propose a preservation and reuse design for the specific case study of Minsheng wharf (Shanghai). The knowledge needed to research on a complex case study came from the contem
In today city structure, there is an increasing phenomenon that is taking place, related to segregation and socio-political emancipation. We can see in both Western and Chinese cities a growing tenden
镇江城市经过十余年的快速发展,上版总规确定的中心城区空间已趋于饱和,沿江带状发展的城市空间结构已不适应镇江城市快速发展的要求。苏南现代化示范区规划又赋予了镇江市新的城市功能和发展目标,沪宁城际铁路、京沪高速铁路的通车加速了区域一体化的步伐,镇江要想抓住新机遇实现跨越式发展,就必须构建与之相协调的城市空间结构,从而推动城市健康发展。  本文通过分析国内外专家学者对城市空间结构概念及内涵、城市空间结构
The State Council of the People’s Republic of China has on February 21, 2016 issued the guideline in an effort to treat the problems associated with the country’s urbanization and the growth of city s
我选择五角场下沉式广场作为我城市规划与建筑设计硕士论文的研究设计,该广场位于中国上海杨浦区,是上海的城市副中心之一.该下沉式广场在车流量汇集的区域内,它的前身是一个简单的地面行车环岛,经过修建转变成为能够连通周边五个商业大楼的下沉空间,并在步行广场的下方有两个单独的车行地下通道和地铁轨道交通.  它具有较良好的周边环境,使它成为交通汇集与疏散节点,但它缺少刺激人们至该下沉广场本身的引导性,也不能激