
来源 :金融服务法评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sosmax68
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我国有限合伙制私募股权基金核心条款目前面临的现实困境,首先是激励约束不足,包括有限合伙人对管理权的干预、跟投机制争议以及对普通合伙人的约束力度问题;其次是受信义务规范缺失,包括强制性受信义务规范缺失以及法人作为普通合伙人时的利益冲突问题;最后是有限合伙人的知情权保护不足,主要表现在知情权的范围不明确以及知情权行使方式的缺失。我国有限合伙制私募股权基金核心条款的完善路径在于,一是建立更加完善的激励约束机制,明确普通合伙人的管理权内容,逐步完善投资决策委员会条款,建立有弹性的薪酬激励机制,对跟投机制进行创新,并完善普通合伙人的约束机制;二是完善受信义务规范,包括对受信义务范畴和主体的明确;三是加强有限合伙人的知情权保护,主要从强制性规范和自治性规范两方面对知情权进行完善。 At present, the real predicament of the core articles of the limited partnership private equity funds in our country lies in the insufficiency of motivation and restriction, including the intervention of the limited partners in the management, the dispute with the speculators and the restriction on the general partners. The second is the fiduciary duty Including the lack of compulsory fiduciary duties and the conflict of interests when the legal person is a general partner. Finally, the lack of protection of the limited partner’s right to know lies in the fact that the scope of the right to information is not clear and the way of exercising the right of information is lacking. The consummation path of the core articles of the limited partnership private equity fund in our country lies in establishing a more complete incentive and restraint mechanism, clarifying the contents of the general partner’s management rights, gradually improving the terms of the investment decision-making committee, establishing a flexible salary incentive mechanism, The third is to strengthen the protection of the limited partner’s right to know, mainly from the mandatory norms and autonomy. The second is to improve the norms of fiduciary duties, including the clear understanding of the scope and subject of fiduciary duties; Standardize both sides to improve the right to information.
在西城区非物质文化遗产保护中心的北房,有那么两间仅有一墙之隔的工作室,工作室内的艺术品呈现出不同的艺术风格,《漆缘》工作室中是亮如油、美如画的金漆作品,《漆锦斋》工作室里则是形态各异、立体感十足的雕漆作品,它们虽然在艺术的表现方式上大相径庭,但在宋代之前它们还属于同一项技艺,同宗同门,都是中国漆艺艺术中的一员。  上世纪70年代发现的河姆渡遗址中漆器的发现,把中国漆器文化的历史推展到了7000多年
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