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Morals are result in human’s demand. From the history of themorals’ emerging, the morals come into being out of needs of adjustingevery relation among social groups and of self - approving and self -devel-oping. If, therefore, the morals of a society degenerate, it will exert in-fuluence over the society’s normal pub1ic life and social member’s self -developing. At present, our social morals are runawaying seriously and thequestion of morality is being increasingly paid close attention to. Recent-ly, Jiang Zhemin has advanced the thoughts of Administering Country byMorals at the Council of National Propaganda Ministers. This has espe-cially proved the importance of question of the morality. This article triesprobing into how to strengthen the construction of the morals under thecondition of the socialist market.This article can be divided into three parts in all.Part Ⅰ, the failure to keep the norm of the morals in the course ofmarketizing. Firstly,it simply explains the concept of the failure to keepthe norm of the mords, then, it reviews the changes of the morals in un-complicatedly after founding new China, and finally, it expounds the evi-dences of the morals’ degenerating, as follows in three terms: first, collec-tivism is diminishing; second, excellent trational moral concepts are less-ening; third, individualism, money worship and hedonism are overflow-ing. This shows that the morals under the condition of the socialist mar-ket have fallen into the abyss of degenerated moral life without going for-ward to sound direction adjusting to the needs of the socialist market de-veloping after deviating from the track of the socialist morals under thecondition of the planned economy.Part Ⅱ,the reason of the failure to keep the norm of the morals. Infact, the runawaying of the morals indicates that the morals norms havelosen their abilities of restraintion. And it is probed into in five respects asfollows: first, the market economic practice has cha11anged or co1lapsedsome certain mora1 concepts matching to the p1anned economy; second,Culture Revolution has done great darnage to the estahlished norm of themora1 outlook; and third, foreign moral culture--modern western ethi-cal culture has damaged it again after the refOrming and opening; fourth,the rnarket economic practice has brought out or encouraged the overflow-ing of individualism l money woIShip and hedonism, as aggravates the dis-order of the morals; and at last, the avianizing of the work of thoughtsand politics has exerted bad infuluence over the morals developing.Part III,’to eliminate the runawaying of the morals and enhance theconstruction of the morals. At first it analyses the train of thought of themoral construction--the reconstruction of the mora1s. Namely, sornecertain still effective norms of the moral outlook fOrmed historica1ly andnew moral factors brought out from the practice of the market economyare in harmony repeatedly. Then it expounds the oreintation of the con-struction of the morals--to construct the morals adapting themseIves tothe socialist market economy. Anll finally it probes into the ways to theconstruction of the morals, as follows: first, to exploit and develop themoral resource adjusting to the socialist market economy in order to pIo-vide mora1s’ support for people’s moral conduct; second, to strengthenthe ability of restraintion of the moIals by making some morals’ normslaws and regulations; third, to enhance th(! work of thoughts and politicsto resist the spIeading and infuluence of the decadent, backward moraIout1ook.As to the construction of the morals under the condition of the social-ist market economy, many scolars in the theory fie1d have put fOrward alot of insight views.On the basis of absorbing their research results, this article tries toprovide a singIe opinion fOr the pIesent construction of the morals.