
来源 :上海海运学院 | 被引量 : 16次 | 上传用户:huoshengxin
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’ Through his translating practice of the Bible, Eugene. A.Nida has proposed his translating theory--" functionalequivalence". It states that the fOrm must be changed to preservethe content of the message, and the new focus of translating hasshifted from the fOrm of the message to the response of the targetlanguage readers. Therefore, It has introduced a new principle ofjudging a translation: dynamic equivalence (or functional*.equivalence), which is to be defined in terms of the degree towhich the receptor language readers respond to the message insubstantially the same manner as the receptors in the sourcelanguage. On the basis of the theory, this paper analyzes the twoEnglish Versions of the Chinese "Bible"--Analects Of Confucius(& % ). The analysis not only shows the significance of thetheory of functional equivalence in translating classica1 Chineseworks, but makes use of the findings of the Chinese-English1contrastive studies as well as some practical trans1ation skills.This paper consists of the following three chapters.Chapter One A Review of Translation TheoriesChapter one introduces the various translation theories andthoughts in China and in the West from different points of view:the definition of translation, the standards for judging atranslation, the basic process in translating, requisites fOr’translators, etc. In particular, the approach of functionalequivalence is discussed in detail because this comprehensiveapproach combines the study of words, sentences and contexts1in a cross-cultural communication environment, and emphasizesthe reproduction of the message and the target readers’ responserather than the form of the utterance.’ Chapter Two An Introduction toAnulects of ConftLciusIn additiori to introducing the background and the content ofAnalects Of Confucius, this chapter deals mainly with its literaryachievements and linguistic characteristics. The special featuresof the book such as the style of conversations, the wide use of- rhetorical devices, and the classical Chinese culture, etc. entailenormous difficulties in its translation.Chapter Three Translatiou TechniquesA. The Lexical Levell. The meanings of words are the basic units of language thatconvey infOrmation, so the translation of words requires accuracytand c1arity. But in ancient Chinese prose, one word usual1y hasseveral meanings which vary with different contexts. Soidentifying the exact word meanings is an indispensable step intran s lating.2. Correspondence is a common method for transferringwords. But we should learn to discriminate between reaIcorre spondence and pseudo-correspondence. And the basis forthe discrimination is "functional equivalence".3. C1ssical Chinese tends to be concise but may sound rather,insipid, and emotions are usua1ly expressed only in a mild way.So the translator has to add some words to fully convey theimplied emotions so that the English readers can ful1y2understand the translation just as the original readersunderstand the original text.4. Repetition is very common in Chinese to emphasize someinformation or to form parallelism. To conform to the Englishlanguage habit, the translator often has to replace the repetitive.parts with different words or phrases which express the sameidea.5. There is a tendency of using nouns and prepositions inEnglish, while verbs play a predominant role in Chinese. So it isnecessary to transfer some Chinese verbs into English nounphrases or prepositional phrases so that the translation soundsnatural to the target language readers.B. The Syntactical Level -1. Zero-subject sentences f The initial position of a Chinesesentence is usually occupied by the topic, which may not have ac1ose relation to the predicate. So there exist a large number ofzero-subject sentences in Chinese. They need to be treated intranslation by such methods as adding sub
目的探讨微波疗法在阑尾炎术后康复中的临床意义。方法选择阑尾炎术后患者98例,随机分成治疗组(52例)和对照组(46例),治疗组于术后24 h予腹部微波热疗,对比两组术后肠鸣音恢
<正> 张仲景在《伤寒论》、《金匮要略》中应用黄苓的方剂凡26个,由于配伍不同、所在方剂的地位不同、剂量使用不同使黄芩的应用范围颇广,而且都有严格的规律性,原文虽载,但
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
患者女性,42岁.因右上腹腹胀1年,加重1个月入院.无腹痛、腹泻,无乏力感,无恶心、呕吐,无呕血、黑便等.腹部强化CT示:肝内巨大占位,考虑恶性肿瘤(图1).强化MR示:肝脏巨大富血供肿块,考虑为脉管性肿瘤,双肾囊肿.CT血管造影(CT angiography,CTA)示:肝脏右叶巨大富血供肿块,来源于血管肿瘤可能,血管肉瘤不除外(图2).入院查体:生命体征平稳,神志清,精神可,心肺检查无异常.腹