
来源 :中国海洋大学 | 被引量 : 1次 | 上传用户:cy58452
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Shandong pensinsula blue economic area is the first economical aera of China with theme of marine economy, whose construction and promotion degree not only represents our overall strenght of development in marine economy, but also it represents the comprehensive level of marine economy development to some degrees. There are many problems and contradictions in the development of marine economy in Shandong province now. For example, the prominent contradiction in marine industrial structure; traditional marine output value proporition is not only on the high side, but also in the stage of stensive development; scientific and technological achievement conversion rate is low, lack of scientific reserrch achievement tranformation mechanism, the marine scientific and technological strength fail to give full play to development; the weak system of the management and development in marine resourse, the new marine industries have not form scale advantage; the offshore fishery resourse are seriously damaged,in smoe ocean area, the trend of ecologocal environment deterioration has not been stopped effictively. At this stage, those contradictions above restrict the healthy development of marine economy in blue economiacl area in Shandong pensinsula. Faced with the severe reality, develop marine high-tech industries, concentrating on marine high-tech industry system, build marine high-tech industry cluster. Clearly, these measures have important leading and supporting benefits in the continuous, fast and healthy marine economy development t in Shandong pensinsula blue economic area.This paper adopts the research idea of empirical analysis and normative research combining. Through the mathematical model analysis, statistical analysis and case study, it firstly gives careful elucidation of marine high-tech industry connotation characteristics and functional status, then reveales the laws of economics, key break-through points, intrinsic requirements of marine high-tech industry development scie-ntifically and analyzes the cases of domestic and foreign marine high-tech industries, finally proposes the shandong peninsula blue economic zone of marine high-tech industry development model selection and safeguarding measures according to the reality of shandong province.This paper gets the following research conclusions through the analysis of the chapters:1、Marine high-tech industry is the inevitable result of Marine high-tech inventions industrialization operation. It is generally made up of a number of different Marine high-tech industry sector and different economic entity in different space and time corresponding different industry categories. To a certain degree, it reflected the development trend and the specific direction of Marine economic entity. There are six distinguishing features during the development of Marine high-tech industry:High input, high growth, high integration, intellectual innovation, high risk and frequent changes. Economic status of Marine high-tech industry promoted gradually and Economic status of the marine traditional industry relative decline is a general phenomenon during the development of economic marine entity.The most important function of Marine high-tech industry to the whole marine economy system is promoting the growth of marine economy system, its correspondingly becoming leading industry of whole marine economy system and the core support achieve leapfrog growth.2、The rational production purpose of Marine high-tech industry can be fulfilled or not is enslaved to the technical output efficiency and the size of the product factor market resources allocation efficiency relations.Marine science and technology progress, policy effectiveness, effective purchasing power of consumer demand and the market allocation of resources all those factors let the marine high-tech industry getting the largest economic interests. In brief,there is a basic economic law behind the production and business operation behavior of marine high-tech industry, there is a stable condition in which internally for the industry sector output efficiency and the blend of the science and technology, policy and market resource allocation efficiency of power unit of equilibrium.3、As a practical mode of new and high technology industries,the development of the marine high-tech industry reflects three aspects:First, the objective of modern Marine economy system efficient growth. Second, the coordinating and unifying of marine science and technology progress, management, policy and market. Finally, The organic unity of the effective supply of marine high-tech products and micro consumption demand. "Harmonious and efficient" is goals and purpose of the marine high-tech industry development designed; Marine science and technology innovation is the Marine high-tech industry development continued power; Rational and stable consumer groups is marine market protection in the development of new and high technology industries; Brand management is the optimization of Marine high-tech industry development path choice; Perfect financial support system is the Marine high-tech industry development funds guarantee.4、There are two main ways to grow marine high-tech industry:First, using the sea high technology and new technology to upgrade and reconstruct traditional industry department of marine sector. Second, marine high tech through marketing operation eventually formed to a scale of industry. The development experiences of Marine high-tech industry both at home and abroad shows that there is only one way to fulfill the efficient development of marine high-tech industry, we must give full play to the role of government, pay attention to the "official production and research" cooperation, give more attention to grow marine high-tech industry cluster, build marine science and technology park carefully and actively promote the marine high-tech innovation diffusion.5、The marine high-tech industry in Shandong pensinsule blue economic area,which mainly consists with five kinds of industries, they are marine organisms breeding and healthy aquaculture、marine pharmaceuticals、marine high-end equipment manufacturing industry、comrehensive utilization of seawater、marine renewable energy. While the slow development in marine high-tech industry、the lower science and technology innovation ability、the imperfect capital market and risk investment system、the contradiction between demand of marine spatial resources and the ocean area in development space、marine high-tech industrial development policy support is not enough, the non-standard management specification marine high-tech industry in Shandong peninsula blue economic area at present stage is the main problems of Marine high-tech industry development.6、Shandong peninsula blue economic area of Marine biological breeding and breeding should focus on health promotion factory circulating water aquaculture、 deep water anti-wave culture cultivation、the sea three-dimensional ecological pond aquaculture, marine ranch four kinds of mode of production, to develop enterprise and industrialization organization management as the main mode of industrial organization, continue to implement the combination of technological innovation mode; Ocean high-end equipment manufacturing industry should be the combination of industrial restructuring and industrial clusters to build the mode of industrial organization, the implementation of independent innovation, the introduction of innovation, the innovation and integration of industrial generic technology research and development base construction with the combination of technological innovation mode. To the development of marine biological pharmaceutical biotechnology industrial park integration promoted as the core of industry organization mode, promotion of longitudinal alliance and horizontal alliance, based on the alliance of fill a vacancy with the combination of technological innovation mode; Comprehensive utilization of the seawater industry, we should try to promote industrial chain combination as the main content of the production mode, the implementation of "government guidance and market operation+industrial cluster support, as a whole the original innovation and integrated innovation and other technology innovation mode; Marine renewable energy development to try government support, industrial chain integration and support of industrial cluster" mode of industrial organization, promote independent innovation and the introduction of digestion, absorption and innovation of the combination of technological innovation mode.7、In order to promote the efficient development of high-tech industries in shandong peninsula blue economic zone, we should focus on efforts to strengthen organizational leadership, perfecting the policy support system, strengthening the industrial elements integration and optimization of investment and financing system, speed up the cultivation of industrial organization, optimize the industrial development layout, strengthen international exchanges and cooperation in seven aspects of security work.
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