The Remapping of Ireland and Reestablishment of Irish Nationality:A Postcolonial Study of the Select

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Twenty-three Irish authors have won or been shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize for fictionwithin the last forty years.The majority of the novels are related to the independence from England.
  Ireland has won economical independence since it achieved freedom from the British rule, yet thecolonialism is still detected in the countrys culture.
  This dissertation examines postcolonial themes, such as nationality, Identity, language, race, andculture, in contemporary Irish novels.Particularly, this dissertation aims to reveal how three recentIrish novels, Lies of Silence (1990) by Brian Moore, Reading in the Dark (1997) by Seamus Deane,and finally At Swim, Two Boys (2001) by Jamie ONeill connected to postcolonial studies.Themajor issue is that these Irish writers totally reject to live under the United Kingdom which makesthem rather English not Irish.They also undermine any British power, in terms of politics, language,religion and culture, on Irish people by emphasizing that Ireland has its own nationality, languageand culture; to be an Irish is to be in Ireland and speaks Irish language.These novels display themescommon in the works of writers from nations that suffered from colonization in their histories,including the loss of identity, the construction of the self through narration, the problematicrelationship to Ireland as a motherland, the need to re-write familial and personal history from anIrish perspective, the challenges of using English, an imposed language, to construct identity, and thecurrent political and religious issues that Ireland has been through.It is quite valuable for critics toidentify the postcolonial traits present in Irish works in order to better understand Irish literature itself,as well as the conflicts that the countrys citizens continue to face today.I will also analyze theeffects of the British remapping of Ireland from a postcolonial theoretical angle, focusing on its mostinvasive and lasting consequence, the replacement of the native language and its culturalrepercussions.
  The issues of "nationality", "self-identity", "religious conflict" and "politics" are the essence ofthe writings of Irish novelists.Whether these issues, which are addressed in the novels, are going tobe solved in Ireland is a question which has been argued for a long time.These novelists, Moore,Deane, and ONeill deal with the situation from their own perspectives, focusing on different,particular, historical times, and have presented societal issues and the tiredness of people under thecolonial rule of the British Empire.Postcolonialism is one of the most important theories incontemporary literary criticism, thus this research aims at applying the theory into the selected novelsin order to clarify the current issues of identity, religion, race, and politics and their impact on theIrish people.These novels capture the moment in the history of Ireland when the British, in a clearsign of imperial dominance, initiated the remapping and reestablishing of the Irish territory.TheBritish also generates a linguistic uncertainty that eventually led to the capitulation of the Gaeliclanguage and placed the colonizing tongue, English.
  Chapter One gives an introduction about Irish literature in relation to postcolonial studies,especially the three works under discussion It also provides a literature review of previous studies ofthe chosen novels.Finally, it explains the methodology of this study and the contents of thedissertation.
  Chapter Two is devoted to the analysis of Lies of Silence.The novel exhibits the division amongIrish people due to religious and political disputes, and the futility of Irish opposition represented byIRA.It suggests an altemative solution to Irish identity crisis, that is, to redefine Irish identitythrougha national language.Chapter Three deals with the second chosen novel, Reading in the Dark.
  It focuses on Deanes perspective in the search of Irish Identity and Irishness with an effort to regainnationalism through Irish language.Chapter Four is about the last novel, At Swim Two Boys.Thisnovel approaches the Irish issues, such as culture, politics, Irish nationalism and language, in a ratherdifferent way.Unlike the previous two works, it is targeted at the issue of nationalism.Traditionally,Irish nationalism is linked to martyrdom, the novel on one hand exhibits Irish national martyrdom,but, on the other, demystifies it and suggests cultural nationalism as an altemative path.
  Chapter Five concludes the dissertation which summarizes the previous discussions and restatesthe major arguments given in the dissertation.It also gives further studies on the selectedcontemporary Irish novels.This research attempts to reveal the significance of the Irish novels fromthe postcolonial perspective, yet they have not received due critical attention prior to this study,especially in relation to postcolonialism.It is hoped that the research will help to reassure theirposition as a classic both in Irish literature and in postcolonial literature.
国家领导人、政府官员、尤其是外交部发言人在外交场合所发表的合宜话语通常被称作外交辞令。国内学术界目前普遍从外交政策、外交战略和大国关系等角度研究中国外交,外交辞令在词汇、语法和修辞方面值得对其进行系统研究。笔者从文化语言学的角度,以外交部例行记者会发言人表态为语料,分析描写了相关词汇、语法和修辞现象,阐释了这些现象与文化之间的关系,从而解释其成因。论文共分为五个部分。  引言部分,涉及课题缘起、研
李清照在词史上被誉为婉约之宗,这与其转益多师,努力进行“易安体”的创作实践密不可分。易安词与前人的婉约词有很深的渊源,是在继承前人的基础上发展而来的,同时也有对婉约词的积极改造与革新,这些努力使易安词在宋代即产生了较大的影响。论文通过将易安词与其他婉约词人的对比探究李清照“转益多师”的学习,更深入了解易安词的独特价值和艺术贡献以及在两宋词坛的影响。  本论文除绪论与结语外,主体分为三章。  第一章
《平家物语》是一部讲述平安王朝末年平氏一族兴衰的军记物语。它以平氏一族为中心,展现了平安王朝末年社会生活的全景。生存在这一悲剧性历史时期的人们,在动荡的社会中为了自己的生存和发展而与不幸的命运抗争,迸发出强烈的生命激情。作品没有以成败论英雄,而是集中表现了这些悲剧人物身上的所体现出的悲剧精神。本文以悲剧美学角度解读《平家物语》,从以下几方面展开论述:  第一章对作品的结构进行论述。编年体与纪传体相
从2011年的电影《建党伟业》到2018年的电影《红海行动》,新主流电影通过运用类型片元素和电影技术发展带来的视觉奇观,找到新时代主流文化表达的有效途径。这是国内主旋律电影与商业电影制作模式结合的一种积极尝试。  新主流电影通过视听符号和剪辑叙事来探索如何在全球化语境下讲好中国故事,中国故事的文化核心是爱国主义与民族精神。新时代树立文化自信需要向前追寻不同时期中国主旋律电影英雄形象的嬗变和向后延伸
翻拍剧由来已久且有其现实意义。近年来,电视剧市场的扩容成为推动翻拍剧发展的原因之一,其次,广电总局针对电视剧行业现状进行多项政策调控,通过翻拍具有口碑的电视剧作品来降低收视风险成为诸多影视公司在创作方面的选择。最后,观众对现实题材电视剧的诉求愈加强烈,日本电视剧以其文化相近、题材广泛、情感细腻、话题探讨直击人心等特点成为这一时期我国海外剧翻拍的热点。  《上海女子图鉴》的艺术性来源于对《东京女子图
诗歌的诗魂主要通过精神向度来展现,论文通过对比波德莱尔与邵洵美的诗歌在“唯美”“自由”与“浪漫”三个精神向度的具体表现,旨在分析邵洵美的诗歌成就不及波德莱尔的历史原因及个人原因,由此反思当下诗歌创作中的相关问题。  绪论部分主要介绍波德莱尔与邵洵美诗歌的国内外研究现状,并阐明选取他们二人进行对比的理由。第一章围绕波德莱尔和邵洵美在艺术世界中对“唯美”的呈现展开论述,以“雅人之不雅”为思路,以“女人
博比·安·梅森是美国当代小说家、评论家,自第一部短篇小说集出版以来就受到评论界的广泛赞誉。梅森小说主要聚焦于西肯塔基农村地区普通民众的日常生活与生存状态。这一地区正经历着剧烈的社会变迁,梅森描绘了社会变迁下这一地区的社会、经济和道德的变迁以及人物命运因此发生的改变。  梅森创作颇丰,三十五年来共出版了十五部作品,但学界的研究主要集中于她2000年以前集结出版的作品,其后的短篇小说集明显研究不足。除
城墙是古代具有军事防御功能的屏障,而城门是“城”的标志,是沟通城内外的主要通道。城墙与城门彰显着城池的威严,是社会历史及文化演变的真实写照。城门名则反映着特定时期的政治、经济与文化,值得我们全面研究。本文通过横向比较,分析西安、北京、南京三地城门的命名理据,归纳总结西安城门命名的特点及其与文化之间的联系。文章由五个部分组成:  引言,明确本文的研究对象及研究理论和方法。本文是以西安、北京、南京三地