African Perspectives on China's Involvement in Africa

来源 :南京大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pengguanxin
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Chinas involvement in Africa has been a hot topic in recent years, and two extreme voices arise: either the criticisms or the praises from the Western and Chinese media respectively. But the African people, whose voice should be much more reliable in assessing Chinas engagement with African countries, are almost fully neglected. Therefore, it is of great significance to understand the perspectives of local Africans towards Chinas performance on the African continent to avoid being lost in multitude of international comments. The thesis aims to understand authentic African views of Chinas engagement in Africa. Literature research and investigation data analysis are used to study African peoples response to Chinas performance from a macroscopic and comprehensive perspective, while a case study on copper mining in Zambia analyzes the theme from a microscopic angle.  Empirical survey results show that, in general, African hold a positive view of Chinas performance, and those optimistic responses to Chinas involvement are challenging or even exceeding their favor to the United States. However, through data comparison and case study, this article finds that just focus on a general conclusion and ignore the specific views of different countries and groups of a given country would be dangerous indeed. The case study of Chinas involvement in the Zambian mining sector illustrates how government, laborers and the social community gained and lost in their interaction with the Chinese mining company. However, a major problem is that the attention of concerned parties is in most cases focused solely on the short-term gains and losses rather than the long-term ones, and each tends to make assessment according to the comparison of what other firms do rather than in light to what they should gain absolutely according to the contract. Two suggestions are followed, therefore,to the Chinese decision makers to improve Chinas image in Africa.
2016 年 6 月 20 日,德国法拉克福国际超算大会(ISC) 公布了最新一期的全球超级计算机500强榜单(TOP500),使用中国自主芯片制造的“神威太湖之光”取代此前已六连冠的“天河
陈仲元(以下简称陈):我们一直在关注年轻的摄影师,关注他们的工作状态和作品。你是什么时候进入舞台摄影这个领域的?  高尚(以下简称高):2008年5月。  陈:是一个偶然的机会吗?  高:对。当时国家大剧院临时要找一个摄影师拍活动,没想到装备最差的我留了下来,并且就这么一直拍到了现在。  陈:你的收入如何,基本是拍一次算一次?  高:对的。  陈:这五六年拍下来,你感觉是乐趣更多还是枯燥也有?  
作为 2012 年推出的“大数据研发计划”的一个重大里程碑,2016 年 5 月 23 日,美国发布“联邦大数据研发战略计划”,旨在为在数据科学、数据密集型应用、大规模数据管理与分