
来源 :西南交通大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:allench9484
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This paper deals with the AC -drive locomotive converter tests based on Pulse -Width Modulation (PWM) controls. Compared with limit of some current test systems, it designs a computer system combined with Virtual Instrument skills. Then virtual Instrument skills provide an operable and visual measure system. And the computer deals with the data. In this paper various test means are discussed, and new harmonic test method is presented. The essential functions are realized, which has brought about new references in the Locomotive converter test fields.Chapter 2 first presents a general frame of the design idea. Then points out range of the tests. The chief require of hardware and software has been indicated.Chapter 3 first presents the input and output characters test means. And designs the voltage, current and moment test circuits. Then test and analysis the moment and frequency characters combined with the circuits.Chapter 4 mainly introduces the harmonic test method. It measures and analysis the harmonic with the sampling circuit and computer FFT transform. Then validity of the method is proved through the Wellsupp-90 converter system. At last, the problem of harmonic elimination is discussed.Chapter 5 deals with the input and output power tests. The means of power factor calculation is discussed. The Phase-gap and aberrance factor measuring circuits are presented. It also calculates the converter efficiency by power analysis. And studies the factors that have influence on converter efficiency.Chapter 6 presents the system software. With Virtual Instrument skills the alternative interface is established. And the visual analysis method is introduced. The measure and analysis platform as a whole is presented. Finally software methods in system interfere disposal are discussed.
半导体开关RSD(Reversely Switched Dynistor)是一种脉冲功率开关,它具有阻断电压高、无需均压、大电流、高di/dt、长寿命和较高的重复率等特点.研究它在脉冲功率发生电路中
对运行中的绝缘子进行污秽程度的在线监测可及早发现隐患,减少污闪事故。现有输电线路外绝缘污秽在线监测系统存在测量准确性差、可靠性低、易受电磁干扰、需要现场电源、成本高等方面缺点。为解决上述问题,本文提出采用光纤布喇格光栅(Fiber Bragg Grating, FBG)进行绝缘子表面盐密的在线监测。本研究发现氯化钠对涂覆有聚酰亚胺的光纤布喇格光栅的感湿性能有显著影响,在此基础上的,对其影响机理进行
无功补偿是电力系统经济运行的一个重要问题。为了提高负荷及整个电网的功率因数,从而降低电网的线损,改善用户电压质量和提高线路及变压器的输送能力,本文对配电网无功优化补偿进行了研究,步骤如下: 第一步是潮流计算。潮流计算的目标是求取系统在给定运行方式下的节点电压和功率分布,目的是检查系统功率分布和分配是否合理、各元件是否过负荷、各点电压是否满足要求,以及功率损耗等情况。本文对结点——线段关联矩阵