
来源 :天津大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:klzhang
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The relationship between China and GCC is considered an important component in the economic relationship between China and the Middle East.The rapid economic development in China makes the demand of energy increased while the GCC states need a stable energy market for their economic development,since energy is their pillar industry.Cooperation in the field of energy becomes the core of bilateral economic cooperation,China‘s Oil consumption or needs,importance of Saudi Arabia to China,Joint ventures between(GCC)& China which included YASREF & FREP and concluded in challenge and future perspective.In the Oil trade between China & GCC,China imported more than 40% oil from GCC.China imports more oil from the GCC.Than any other region of the world which is approximately equal to 60%.It was found out that specifically Saudi Arabia is itself China‘s top partner in Middle-East and north Africa.which is reflected in trade,investment and construction projects.The development of an energy relationship fuels trade,investment and construction project contracting,enlarging the scale of economic cooperation.It is believed that by maintaining and developing the bilateral economic relationship with the GCC,Encouraging the smooth petrodollar recycling,increasing oil imports from the GCC states while keeping the balance of payment and stable oil import,China is able to maintain a positive economic operation.Therefore,the economic relationship between China and the GCC states is promising.China is the largest supplier of goods and services to the Kingdom.China‘s Oil needs had increased dramatically over the past decade reaching record highs in 2013.China imported 5.4 million bbld of crude oil in average in 2012,rise in 7% in 2011.Saudi ARAMCO and SINOPEC signed a shareholder agreement related to the on going development of YASREF,officially working the joint venture company YASREF and creating a strategic partnership.The challenges which hinders the trade growth between two countries is Trade deficit.The common interests exhibited by Saudi Arabia and China is due to demand of oil by China and supply of such quantity by Saudi Arabia.
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