The Study of Style in the Translation of Dao De Ching

来源 :北京语言大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanwenqian
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Linguistic style is an important and essential theory in traditional Chinese literature and art of translation. In western literature and translation theories, there is the idea of style as well. However the difference between Chinese style or 风格 and the western theory of style is as follows: In Chinese, 风格 represents more of a general feature and usually connotes deep feelings instead of superficial meanings; while in western culture, though there are opinions that take it as a persons unique way of expression through language, art or music, it is usually used in the field of stylistics. Stylistics is a kind of micro-subject based on the analysis of the context at word, phrase or phonetics levels. If one combines the Chinese style theory and western stylistics theory into the study of translation, the result would be remarkably fruitful. In the macro sense, especially to take Chinese style or 风格 as the guiding principle for the whole context or discourse, it could convey the spirit of the author in the literary work; In the micro sense, bringing stylistics theory into the detailed analysis and translation could reconcile every single element in the original and target texts. Lao Tsus Dao De Ching is the most popular work of Chinese literature in the world. Its influence is almost comparable to that of the Judeo-Christian Bible. The work itself is a philosophical poem, so the style of the work both in content and structure is a vital consideration in translation. The analysis of the translation of this work is to explore and testify the guiding effect of literary style in the Translation.
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