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Mobile cellular communication has enjoyed a tremendous growth of users and becomes more and more important in today’s communication. Handoff is the functionality to maintain a call progress when a Mobile Station across cell boundaries in mobile communication. Therefore, in order to provide a multitude of services in 3G, especially in multimedia and high-bit-rate packet data, ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) adopted Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) as the mainstream air interface solution for third-generation networks. In a cellular system user mobility results in handoff calls. Thus, to use limited radio resources to accommodate an increasing demand of services, one approach is to deploy smaller size cells for more frequency reuse a consequence of which is more frequent handoffs. To be blocked at the beginning of connection is better than to be dropped during the connection from a user’s point of view. As a result, handoff calls should be given higher priority than new calls by reserving some resources exclusively for handoff calls. WCDMA is an asynchronous operation concept which means that the base stations should not be synchronized to each other. In handoff area, to adjust the transmission timing for new Base Station (BS) is complex because in WCDMA the signals transmitted from different BSs need to arrive at the device at the same time and some unnecessary handoff calls (pseudo handoff) occupy multiple channels with little contribution to the performance of handoffs. Some techniques have been introduced to cope with these problems.This thesis proposed a new scheme that can discriminate and eliminate those pseudo handoff calls from real handoff calls. The result shows that this scheme can significantly decrease the number of dropped handoff calls and can save traffic channels so that the saved one can be assigned to an imperative real handoff calls or a new calls.
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【摘要】初中生在英语学习中增强阅读能力,是初中英语教学的重点所在,教师利用合作学习的方法开展阅读教学,能够有效调动学生的学习积极性,提升英语阅读能力,培养良好的阅读习惯,增强阅读效果。合作学习的方式更加协调了学生之间的差异性,有助于教师因材施教,实现整体性的教学效果。  【关键词】合作学习模式 初中英语 阅读教学  学生通过互动交流的方式学习英语知识和技能,是现代教学目标实现的重要方式,我们开展的