
来源 :广东外语外贸大学 | 被引量 : 3次 | 上传用户:lxj5186101
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Research on lexicograPhy can be catried out in two perspectives: theoretically,to coMute to lexicograPhic theory, and practically, to contriblltC tolexicograPhic practice.The present research tackles both the theoretical aspect and practical aspect oflealcography and adris to establish tWo corresPonding models: A Model ofDictionary Use in Chinese-English Translation (MDUCEU and A Model ofCoheiate ChinesWh Learner’s DictionaIy (MCCELD).An emPirical survey (questionnaire and translation test) was conducted toinvestigate socioPsychological and psycholingUistic factors conceming dictionnyuse by Chinese EFL (English as a foreign langUage) leamrs in Chinese-Englishtranslation (C-E translation). The main flndings are as follows:1. Sociopsychological perspective:(l) OwnershiP: The range of Chinese-English dictionaries (CEDs) ownedby the resPondents is not very wide and the distribotion is not even, withtWo CEDs (A Modern Chl’nese-English Dictionary (XDHYCD and AChinese-Engish Dictionary (HYCD owned by most resPondents.(2) Motivation: The main considerations for the respondents to buy a CEDare the need fOr CEDs, quality of CEDs and teachers’ recornmendation.(3) Attitude: Most resPondents hold a positive attitude towards their CEDs.(4) Frequency: The reSPondents use their CEDs qule frequentiy.(5) Satisfaction: More respondents feel that they are satisfied with theirusual use of their CEDs in CET. And most subects feel satisfied withthe CEDs conSultd for the aCtUal C-E tranlation.(6) Guide: Few respondents read in detail the user’s gUide of their CEDs.MoSt of them only read it roughiy and som dO not read it at all.(7) Training: MoSt of the resPondents have not received any training onhow to use a CED, but most of them think it necessary to obtain suchtratw.--(8) MD -- Necessity and ExPectationst Most resPondents deem itnecessary to comPile a Coopte Chinesop Learner’sDictionary (mp speciaIly tailored to meet the needs of ChineseEFL learners. Among the expectations on such a dictionary, the top threeare; ’Reasonable price’, ’Provision of collocational information onEnglish equivalents’, and ’Meani ng differentiation for Englishequivalents’.2. Psycholinguistic perspective:(1) Target Iealcal units: In C-E translation, most target lexical units fordictionary consultation are Chinese items, which are not commonly usedin daily life and which cannot be easily expressed in English, such asidioms and technical terms.(2) Dictionaries used: Ifn C-E translation, subects use electronicdictionaries (EDs) more often than paPer dictionaries (PDs). Of the PDsused, CEDs are consulted more frequelltly than other dictionary tyPes,and most consultations are made with rm and HYCD.(3) Purpose of dictionary use: The primary purpo8e of using a dictionaryin GE translation is to search fOr ’English expressions’, folIowed by’meaning / usage of English equival ent’, ’pronunciation of the Englishequivaleflt’ and ’Englisb spelling’.(4) Components sought: Not all comPonents in a dictionary are looked upand utilised. The ’English equivalent’ is the main comPonent consulted,fOllowed by the ’Example’.(5) Utilization of dictionary informatiorr ’English equivaIent’ is found tobe the main source of dictionary infOrmation used in the subjects’translations. Among the expressions used in the subjects’ translations,most of them are trapsferrd directly from the dictionaries used.(6) First-definition tendellcy: In cases where there is more than oneEnglish equivalent in an entry in a CED, the subects tend to use the firstone in their tfanslations.wxnBased uPon the fmdings of the present research and other relevat studies,tWo models, MDUCET and MCCELD, are proposed. The former attemPs tOreveal the cognitive processes of dictionary use in GE translation and the latterputs forward principles for comPiling a CCEL.This research is unque in dictionary use researeh as it investigates the area ofdictionary use by Chinese EFL leamers in GE trallslation, Which has been dealtwith by few, if any, researchers. The present research is believed to make certaincontriblltion to lex
论文主要探讨以下问题:(1)哪些因素影响英语学习型词典词例的选取?(2)这些因素如何影响典型词例的选取和呈现?(3)词典编纂者应当采取哪些策略确保选例的典型性? 在词例作为
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