Drivers of Trade Growth between South Africa and China

来源 :浙江工商大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:houboweike
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Trade is an exchange of goods and services for another;when it takes place across countries,we call it international trade.Some underdeveloped countries are unable to use their mineral resources,so International trade allows the fully use of those resources.Also sometimes countries may have a surplus in their production,so with the help of international trade,they can sell their surplus to other countries in exchange of some goods or services.Africa has been very active on the international trading stage,though results have been disappointing.Africa’s place in the international trading system has often been simplified to a single statistic: less than 2percent of international trade.Nearly all the African countries are members of the World Trade Organization(WTO)and with 43 out of the 162 members,African countries represent over a quarter of this organization’s stakeholders.It is therefore impossible to deny the fact that Africa is widening its availability to the international market.Participation of African countries in international trade helps grow their economies,creates jobs,and reduces poverty.International trade gives access to goods that would not be available otherwise.Africa has a lot of trading partners all over the world;and among these partners China tends to remain the largest one fordecades.China is not only the biggest partner that Africa has but also the biggest investor on the African market.In 2012,the African Heads of State and Governments resolved to establish Af CFTA treaty to create a single continental market for goods and services with free movement of business persons.The scope of the treaty covered agreements on trade in goods,services,investment,and rules and procedures on dispute settlement,including a range of provisions to facilitate trade,reduce transaction costs,provide exceptions,flexibilities and safeguards for vulnerable groups and countries in challenging circumstances.This research aims to introduce and illustrate the development,importance of trade and relationship of the county South Africa and China.