
来源 :大连理工大学 | 被引量 : 8次 | 上传用户:dffg21f
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Natural gas hydrate(also called flammable ice)is becoming an alternative form of energy with huge potential,due to its enormous reserves,cleaness,as well as high energy density.Secure and efficient utilization of gas hydrate resource is of crucial significance in terms of remission of energy crisis,optimization of energy structure,and energy security.In the nature,the exploitation of gas hydrate is a complex process in porous media,which couples multi-fields and multi-factors like heat transfer and permeation of gas and water.To illuminate the pore scale occurrence of gas hydrate,evolution of microstructures during phase transition,as well as effects of microstructure on macro property,is of great importance to the efficient exploitation and utilization of gas hydrate resources.Therefore,in this work,the first time-resolved evolutions of gas hydrate microstructures during in-situ formation and decomposition are reported at a hundreds-nanometer-scale,based on microfocus X-ray CT and synchrotron CT,as well as a "stop-and-go" method.The full process of hydrate reaction at the phase interface is captured and followed,indicating the diffusion-limiting mechanism of hydrate phase transition in pore spaces.The initial formation of gas hydrate is found to occur at the gas-water interface,with the following growth proceeding toward water phase.There exists a water layer between hydrates and solid matrices,which could be as thin as around 1 μm.Moreover,the in-situ hydrate decomposition is initiated at the gas-hydrate interface,with the hydrates close to the sand surface largely unchanged.Free water from decomposition gradually accumulates at the decomposing hydrate surface,isolating the hydrates from the gas phase.The very low solubility and diffusivity of gas molecules in water strongly limit the out-diffusion of released gas into the gas phase,resulting in a declining decomposition rate as the water layer thickens.A gradient of gas concentration in this water layer is directly observed,indicating a metastable enrichment of gas in water.The results illustrate a diffusion-limiting mechanism of in-situ gas hydrate decomposition.Moreover,the effects of micro structures on the macro property involving thermal property,permeability,and mechanical property are studied by use of microscale observation,pore network model as well as point-heat-source thermal conductivity measurements.The influencing mechanism of different component ratio,constituent,as well as its thermal property on the effective thermal conductivity is investigated.A hybrid model for the prediction of effective thermal conductivity of methane hydrate-bearing porous media is proposed,with a good agreement with the reference data.The absolute and relative permeabilities of hydrate-bearing sediments during in-situ decomposition are obtained with consideration of the hydrate microstructures.The wedge-shaped hydrate patches persisting throughout hydrate decomposition are considered to constrain the rolling and shear motion of the porous matrices.The work above is to provide a theoretical basis to the micro-mechanism of natural gas hydrate phase transition at pore scale as well as its effect on the macro physical property,guiding the future resource exploitation and its efficient utilization.
摘要:随着现代社会建设的快速发展,国家对变电运行的工作要求也越来越高,因此,变电运行的安全管理与事故的防范非常重要。本文通过介绍变电运行的安全管理,在这一基础上,阐述了变电运行的事故防范,包括直流系统接地故障处理、对设备安全运行进行监控以及加强事故的应急处理措施。  关键词:电力系统;变电运行;故障;对策  在电力系统中,变电站占据着至为重要的位置,变电站实现了电能的顺利输送,架构了电网与用户之间
[摘 要]语文课是学校教育中的基础学科。多媒体辅助教学进入课堂教学,为语文教学增添了新的教学方式,全面提高了课堂气氛,大大促进了语文教学的效率。  [关键词]语文课;教学;多媒体  在学校,一说到语文课,学生直喊枯燥;一谈起语文教学,语文教师直摇头:难。因为作为母语的学习在层次上要求更高,对语文教师的专业知识、语言素养、课外知识、课前准备都有更高的要求。让每一节语文课都充满生气和活力是所有语文