
来源 :浙江大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sclin
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Two marine structures arranged side by side with a narrow gap may suffer from violent free-surface resonance,which would cause green water on deck,dramatically raise hydrodynamic loads on structures and seriously threaten the operation safety.The CFD-base
Layered soil profiles create challenges for foundation installation and detrimentally affect the foundation performance.This research explored the free-fall penetration behavior of a new dynamically installed plate anchor,the Flying Wing Anchor(R),in laye
The maximum predicting error of the commonly used passive truncated mooring system method may reach 30% due to the difference of dynamic characteristics between the truncated and full-depth mooring line.In this paper,the experimental strategy called three
In the leg-lowering process,the offshore jack-up platform is in a floating state,and the spudcan may collide with the seabed due to the platform motion in waves,thereby threatening the safety and stability of the platform.This paper first analyzed the hyd
本文提出一种能够提供100 kWe电功率的新型海洋静默式热管反应堆(NUSTER-100)电源系统,可为无人水下潜航器提供低噪音、长寿期的电力供应.该电源系统采用双层壳体布置,主要由反应堆堆芯、热管、屏蔽体、温差发电器热电转换系统和螺旋式余热排出系统等子系统组成.在反应堆堆芯中,UO2燃料棒、慢化棒和钠热管矩形排列布置,以及热管从堆芯双端伸出,其冷凝段与温差发电器相连,实现热电转换.
Experimental studies were conducted in a super-large wave flume,aiming at uncovering the hydrodynamic characteristics involved in the turbulent wave boundary layer of full scale environment.An explicit formula of boundary layer thickness on rough turbulen