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The evolution of mobile communications throughout the world is useful in order to appreciatethe enormous impact that mobile phone will have on all of us. Therefore how to manage itreliably and effectively to serve the users is one of the key issues, and the Marketing strategyprocedure has undoubtedly become a hot topic.In recent years, mobile communication industry has developed rapidly; the mobile phone hasgotten gradually popularity and Africa has emerged as one of the fastest growing markets formobile phone in the world. By the beginning of September2012VMK mobile phone officiallyreleased, African mobile communication took the first mobile phone and Republic of Congobecomes the first country in Africa to design the smart phone in mobile phone market.Facing the fierce competition in the huge and capacity mobile phone market environment, VMKmobile phones which was set as domestic handset brand has the influence of new force. But thecompetitions at home and abroad are serious and compared with large phone companies; VMKCompany has to learn more. Very big disparity still exists in the phone industry.This study was conducted to analyze the marketing strategies of VMK mobile phone in Congo.We analyzed the internal environment, the competitive environment, the policy environment, aswell as the economic situation of Republic of Congo, and then through interview and secondarydata analysis, we proposed the marketing strategy. The first chapter presented the background ofmobile phone, the motivation and methodology of the study. The second chapter presented thestatus and problem of marketing in VMK; the third presented the marketing environmentanalysis and the case study of VMK. The fourth presented the VMK marketing strategy inRepublic of Congo.This paper revealed the VMK mobile phone marketing strategy as the research object. Theanalysis of marketing strategy of VMK mobile phone includes product strategy, promotionstrategy, price strategy, distribution strategy; hence the paper summarizes the current mainexisting problems and advantages in the marketing strategy of VMK mobiles phones. In the lastthis paper revealed some advice and recommendations to VMK mobile phones based on theanalysis above.
“家电下乡”是国家于2009年推出的惠农政策,由国家制定家电下乡产品的最高限价,财政部门安排资金对农民购买家电下乡产品给予销售价格13%的补贴。然而,部分国家工作人员在审核“家电下乡补贴”过程中,玩忽职守,致使经销商骗取巨额财政补贴。今年5月,句容市人民检察院在家电下乡补贴领域立案查办了渎职犯罪案件1件1人,涉案金额高达50多万元人民币。此类案件的发生严重损害了国家和人民的利益,应引起重视。  一
摘 要:刑事和解制度在构建和谐社会的时代背景下应运而生,只有通过对刑事和解的具体内涵、作用以及人们对其产生误解的原因进行剖析,才能使人们更加深入、公正看待刑事和解制度,最终让此制度能进一步在中国的法治土壤中生根发芽。  关键词:刑事和解;加害人与被害人;误解  一、刑事和解的内涵  刑事和解又称加害人与被害人的和解,目前理论界和实务界普遍认同陈光中教授的概念:“刑事和解是一种以协商合作形式恢复原有
一基本情况合阜渡槽位于湖北省应城县境内,是郑家河水库西干渠灌溉应城县东部十余万亩农田的关键输水建筑物。该渡槽为简支 U 形钢筋混凝土薄壁结构,内半径为1.3米,直壁段为
(071028 河北大学政法学院 河北 保定)  摘 要:随着我国经济的不断发展,城镇化的推进,彩礼数额越来越高,由彩礼引发的矛盾也逐渐增多。彩礼纠纷看似是一个经济问题,如果处理不好就会引发两个家庭之间的矛盾,成为一个社会问题,造成社会的不稳定。本文从现实中出现的具体问题入手,分析现实中彩礼纠纷出现的具体原因,提出相应的立法建议,以应对现实中复杂的彩礼纠纷。  关键词:诉讼主体;诉讼时效;共同生活