Motivation in Practice:a CASE Study of Ghana Health Service

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This study aimed to explore the extent to which health workers were being motivated by GhanaHealth Service.As a health organization, when health workers are well motivated it would have areflection on how they would administer services to the patients and the country at large.The studyexamines how employees are motivated through goal setting, feedback and organizational rewardsystems (intrinsic and extrinsic) by the organization.Qualitative research method was used in thestudy.Data were obtained from mainly the secondary sources which provided information on thestipulated strategies by management for motivation of health workers in the workplace.Analysisof the data indicated that management of Ghana Health Service have well organized reward systemwhich include both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards and practice effective goal setting and feedbackas ways of motivating the employees which have resulted in improved job performance andenhancement of employees potentials.It was established that a well-motivated employee wouldgive out his or her best if motivation for work is high.The study was limited by time and lack ofaccess to information.However, management should consider effectively strengthening theselaydown strategies of motivation and to adopt more efficient measures to ensure that employeesare well motivated.
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