
来源 :东北大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:viviane_px349
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Acid Mine Drainage is mine wastewater normally containing high levels of iron as a result of the oxidation of pyrite. This wastewater is acidic having a pH range of between pH 1 and 6. Depending on the mineralogy of the area in question, acid mine drainage might contain elevated levels of dissolved metals, such as coper, zinc,lead and etc.. These metals pose danger to the environment due to their toxic effects on aquatic, animal and human life. This paper looks at the removal of copper from acid mine drainage using Ion Exchange method to less than 1mg/l. A weak acidic cation resin was used to remove copper ions from the mine acid drainage to less than 1 mg/l. Spectrophotometric determination of copper with sodium diethyldithiocarbamate was used to determine the copper concentrations in the treated water. The experimental results indicate that Acid mine drainage and other forms of wastewater can be well be treated using ion exchange resins. The most important thing is to establish the optimum conditions under which the resin can perform best. Resin sample D401 is a weak acid cation resin. The degree of dissociation of a weak acid resin is strongly influenced by the solution pH. Consequently, resin capacity depends on solution pH. For this reason resin sample D401 operated well at pH 3.85 and above. At pH 6.62, which was the highest, the resin continued to operate well achieving removal of 89.5% for the acid mine drainage sample 2 from Hongtoushan mine. However above a certain pH level, the copper ions would precipitate as hydroxides and ion exchange would be of no use. Below pH 3.0 resin sample D401's exchange capacity was affected and for this reason performed not well. This is evident when the pH was reduced further to pH 2.5, resin sample D401 performed even worse. This happens because hydrogen in the acid at pH below 3.85 has more affinity to the resin than the copper ions. The flow rate of the wastewater (acid mine drainage) is another condition which must be well ascertained. The lower the flow rate the longer it takes for the treated water to reach the set standard (1mg/l in this case) and Vice versa. Optimal flow rate is required in order to get best treatment results (a lot of water treated to the required standard in a specified time). Too low a flow rate might result into long treatment periods and consequently demand for more treatment and labor hours. So in practical a more suitable flow rate must be established. Note that the flow rate used is actually the rate of flow of the treated water. The lower the wastewater concentration, the longer it takes for treated water to reach the required standard concentration and therefore the more the water treated. And the opposite is the truth in the above sentence. Therefore wastewater concentration must be well measured before the start of the treatment process. Too high copper concentration requires pretreatment first or a higher resin height. Low concentrations might require reduced resin height. The results for this experiment indicate that acid mine drainage can be treated well by ion exchange resins, but it is also very important to establish suitable operating conditions.
膜生物反应器由于其具有设备紧凑、占地面积小、污染物去除率高、出水稳定及易于自动控制等优点,近年来在污水处理中得到日益广泛得应用。法国威力雅水务(VEOLIA WATER)开发的