基于Ruby的Web Service应用

来源 :北京化工大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianlovepan
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Web services technologies are advancing fast and being extensivelydeployed in many different application environments. Web services based onthe eXtensible Markup Language (XML), the Simple Object Access Protocol(SOAP), and related standards, and deployed in Service-OrientedArchitectures (SOAs) are the key to Web-based interoperability forapplications within and across organizations. Furthermore, they are making itpossible to deploy applications that can be directly used by people, and thusmaking the Web a rich and powerful social interaction medium. Web- services allows for the applications written in the differentlanguages of programming and working on different firmware platforms, itis easy to exchange the data through the clear- specific interfaces. In theiressence, the Web- services are one of the embodiment of technology RPC -remote procedure call-in. Remote call-in of procedures - the class of thetechnologies, which make possible for computer programs to causefunctions or procedures in other address space (as a rule, on the remotecomputers). Usually, the realization RPC of technology includes twocomponents: net protocol for the exchange in the regime client- server andthe language of objects. At the basis of Web- services the followingstandards lie: ·XML - for the transmission of structured data; ·SOAP - protocol of the exchange of communications on the base   XML; ·WSDL - language of the description of the interfaces of Web- services; ·UDDI - catalog of Web- services. In this work I mentioned about that as to be connected to the Web-services with the use of language of programming Ruby. As an example Iwill examine Web- service of the CBR (Central bank of Russian Federation)for obtaining the rate of change. Most Web-Service development frameworks allow us to generate codefrom a WSDL, either client code for calling the web service specified in theWSDL or server stubs for implementing the service instead. To make thiscode generation easier and also allow for easy comparison between differentframeworks, soapUI provides a graphical front-end for most of them.A WSDL can expose any number of services (bindings in WSDL-speak),which expose a certain contract ("portType") for a specified protocol; thesame contract being exposed with two bindings, one for SOAP 1.1("CurrencyConverterSoap") and one for SOAP 1.2("CurrencyConverterSoap 12").