
来源 :云南师范大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bibby_514
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By pushing forward innovation and opening-up in an all-roundmanner, Vietnamese have gotten great achievements not only ineconomic but also in political and social fields since 1986. It is duringthese years that Vietnam attracted worldwide attention by pulling off aremarkable success story in development. To start with, Vietnamese have basically put in place a socialistmarket economic system and achieved greater emancipation,development of productive forces and their economic strength andaggregate national strength enhanced markedly. Secondly, successiveresults were achieved in governing the country according to the law andimplementing democratic elections, decision-making, management andsupervision. Vietnam’s democratic institutions are improving steadily.Thirdly, the living standards of all Vietnamese are notably higher thanever before. Culture, public health, sports and other social undertakingscontinued to develop. In the meantime, the structure of Vietnamese ownership, as one ofthe essential aspects of social economic structure, has taken place a greatand profound change. On the one hand, the structure of single-sectorsystem of public ownership which was under the traditional planningeconomic system was broken. On the other hand, the framework in whichdiverse forms of economy grow simultaneously while public ownershipplays the leading role has been forming step by step. The change of thestructure of Vietnamese ownership has made significant influence notonly to its development of economy but to the structure of social stratum.The diversification of Vietnamese society’s economic composition gaverise to the diversification of organizational form, material interests, andthe mode of employment. In addition, it also made the appearance ofthe different social stratums who came from the same original class. However, the change of the structure of Vietnamese ownership hasalso brought some new problems. Such as, how to deal with laid-offworkers of the state-owned enterprise, narrow the increasing income gap,and so on. Based on the above-mentioned review, the paper attempts to have asystematic, objective and comprehensive study of situations, reasons andinfluences of the change of the structure of Vietnamese ownership.
目的 探讨鼻内镜下咽鼓管吹张注药联合口服激素、抗生素药物对分泌性中耳炎(SOM)的临床效果。方法选取2016年1月-2017年5月来我院就诊的SOM患者69例,按照随机数字表法分为观察
主要介绍了几种石油系新型炭材料 ,如中间相沥青、中间相沥青炭微球、碳纤维及其复合材料、针状焦、活性炭的研发现状和发展趋势 ,并对独山子石化公司生产的几种石油沥青、石