
来源 :宁波大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuijing0328
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For this thesis paper,the topic of research is about the Chinese market exploitation for Moroccan Argan Oil as cosmetic and culinary goods.
  The main objective of this topic is to make a study on the good exploitation of a new market with goods already existing in other markets.Therefore,many researches have been made about models and frameworks of the marketing.
  To give more value and importance to this work,famous Moroccan products have been chosen for strategies making in order to have a good exploitation of the Chinese market.These products are Argan oil products that can be used as cosmetic and culinary good.
  Cosmetic goods are those used for Beauty Care purpose,while culinary goods are simply food products.
  This report aims to describe the realizations done during this period that concludes the MBA degree in Ningbo University.To do so,an introduction will explain the background and significance of the topic,as well asthe objectives of my thesis and the research methodology.The literature review will be regrouped in one part with theoretical frameworks.
  After that,there will be a market performance of Argan oil in western countries,followed by a market research on cosmetic and culinary goods in China.Then,a SWOT analysis will be done for Argan oil products in China,before to describe somereal cases of success and failure during the introduction of new products in a market.
  The next part will be showcasing the strategies for market exploitation of Argan oil products in China.In this part,there will be a description and the analysis of a questionnaire survey made among100Chinese respondents.Then,the strategies will be made following both of the STP and the4P frameworks.
  Finally,a conclusion will be given including some expectations for the market entry of Argan oil products in China.
  Books,articles,websites and videos,all these technics have been used in order to collect the information needed for making a good research.The questionnaire survey as well Argan oil products testing among Chinese people has been very helpful for collecting good suggestions and recommendations.
  Hopefully,this thesis paper will be very helpful for the generations to come when thinking about introducing any new product to a market.
This work is devoted to the study of the main directions and trends in the development of trade,economic and political cooperation between the Russian Federation and the peoples Republic of China.This
采购业务是跨国企业采购部门的关键核心,而到岸价格是影响产品销售价格的最重要因素。在多源供应的情况,同时考虑供应延迟和质量水平的因素,如何通过分配已知需求,达到最优的产品到岸价格,是企业重要运营活动之一。  本文以跨国建筑五金企业“BIR”公司为例,深入分析其在中国大陆的采购供应体系。特别是部分产品供应延迟和低下质量水平无法有效改善的情况下,通过数据分析整理以及回归拟合,尝试建立到岸成本与采购数量分
如今,西方国家在研究耳聋上,采取了与医学不同的方法。这一方法——聋人研究(Deaf Studies),与传统的医学理论截然不同,后者往往将聋人视为需要治疗的病人。聋人研究认为医学对耳聋的看待以“听力为中心”而忽略了耳聋的其他方面。根据聋人研究的专家,聋人和听人之间的主要差别是语言上的差别,而不是医疗上的差别。这种语言上的差异使得在聋人社群里出现了一种特殊的文化:聋人文化。在中国,这种文化与少数民族
内部控制是企业管理中重要的一环,是企业长久发展的基础;存货管理是化工贸易类企业资金链安全的关键,是企业盈利的基础,化工贸易企业只有做好存货管理,才能健康安全发展,才能保证企业之树常青。  本文针对内部控制的五大要素展开分析,结合国内外的理论研究,再延伸到存货内部控制的五要素理论并进行阐述分析。根据理论分析的基础,本人首先通过对A公司涉及存货管理的17位关键工作人员进行了细致的访谈,通过访谈,调查了
经济的发展带动餐饮业规模的不断提升,餐饮行业作为当前的朝阳行业,越来越受到大众的关注。不过由于很多企业积极投入餐饮行业中,从而导致企业面临的生存压力也在不断提升,寻求新的餐饮市场成为了很多企业发展的重点。而咖啡市场作为当前开发度较低的市场,有着足够的发展空间,同时消费者消费咖啡的能力不断提升也给餐饮企业提供了很大的发展机遇,因此加快对咖啡市场的开发成为了当前研究的重点。  本文以BC公司校园NT-
This paperis the result of the study that I have realized for my final thesis in the frame of theMBA degree in Ningbo University.  It will describe the results of my researches concerning the Electron