Preparation and Characterization of Novel Nanocellulose/PLA composites via Aerogel Procedures

来源 :浙江大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xpzcz1991
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At present there is significant interest for the development of environmentally friendly polymers and polymer based composites from renewable resources.Worries about greenhouse gas emissions produced by using fossil fuel composed with low degradability of polymers derived from fossil fuel has led to increase in research to develop degradable polymers and composites.Poly(lactic acid) and cellulose are two such examples of degradable polymers that come from renewable resources.
  The production of nanocellulose with controlled structure from plant resources with facile availability and well sustainability in purpose of application of suitable material for various biomedical applications and energy storage devices is very important in science and engineering.Up to now,many methods for isolating nanocellulose from various plant fibers such as mechanical and chemical procedures had been explored.Furthermore,in recent years,natural fiber reinforced biopolymer nanobiocomposites have attracted great interest,both in academia and industry.In this case,the most important factor in obtaining good fiber reinforcement in the composite is the strength of adhesion between the matrix polymer and the fiber which can be effect on their properties.Whereas the main drawbacks of natural fiber reinforced polymer composites are their hydrophilicity,low weathering resistance that adversely affect the fiber/matrix interface and leads to degradation,and delamination of composites.Since,fibers are hydrophilic in nature,therefore,are inherently incompatible with many well-known and popular in composite manufacturing resins such as PLA.Overall,the main objective is to develop an understanding for relationships between processing,different kinds of material,different concentration of PLA to produce nano/micro cellulose composites and properties of the resulting materials in order to assess the potential of these new nontoxicity,biocompatibility,and biodegradability materials.
  In this work,firstly,bamboo nanocellulose through mechanical and chemical procedures via four kinds of acid system have been prepared and the effects of both method on the morphology,structure and properties of the prepared materials have been studied.
  Secondly,nano/micro fibrillated cellulose (NFC/MFC) networks via aerogel procedure from the different lignocelhlosic materials (sugarcane bagasse,bamboo and cedar) have been prepared through mechanical defibrillation methods.Additionally,nanocomposite from resulting materials reinforced by different concentration of PLA (6 and 12%) during freeze-drying have been produced by the following steps procedures.The main objective is to develop an understanding for relationships between processing,different kinds of material,different concentration PLA to produce nano/micro cellulose composites and properties of the resulting materials.The thermal performance of nano/micro cellulose networks,aerogels and biocomposites has been compared with the performance of different cellulosic materials and different concentration of PLA in order to assess the potential of these new nontoxicity,biocompatibility and biodegradability materials.
  Finally,the highest crystallinity of nanocelhlose/PLA composites were found to be around 3.5% for sugarcane nanocellulose/PLA composites with 6% content of PLA.Also,the crystallinity of nanocellulose/PLA composites slightly decreased by increasing more content of PLA to 12% in bamboo and sugarcane bagasse nanocellulose/PLA composites.
  The pore volume of the nanocellulose/PLA composite aerogels was calculated in range of 73.0-95.0% which is appropriate for such a kind of materials and the specific surface was in range of 2.771 m2/g to 23.014 m2/g by SSA values were obtained in highest point for 12% loading concentration level.
摘要:在变电站变电运行的过程当中,可能会由于不同因素造成故障的发生,因此相关工作人员必须要加强对设备和运行线路的检查和维护,并根据故障的原因来制定解决方案,以保障变电所的运行安全。基于此,下文将对变电站变电运行常见故障及处理措施展开一系列的分析,希望能够促进我国电力事业的进一步发展。关键词:变电站;变电运行故障;处理1 变电运行常见故障1.1 变电站母线系统异常变电站在运行的过程中,可能发生线路方面的故障,不同构件之间通过导线进行连接,在连接的过程中,可能存在一定问题和安全隐患,其中发生母线系统故障的概率