
来源 :宁夏大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wst6681
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The global environmental problem is a growing concern, and needs to be attended to immediately. Spreading awareness of global environmental problems and responding to them without any delay is absolutely necessary to deal with the global environmental effectively. A variety of environmental problems now affects ow entire world. As globalization continues and the earths natural process transforms local problems in international issues, few societies are being left untouched by major environmental problems. Hence giving due attention to the protection of the global environment from continuing degradation is the most difficult problems facing the international environmental law and communities as well. The most distinctive aspect of global environmental protection is that it is primarily scientifically driven. International environmental standards and regulations have been greatly influenced by priorities established by cosmopolitan scientific elites and to a lesser extent of global social equity.For this reason, calls for increased levels of global environmental protection challenge both the way in which individual countries use natural resources and distribution ofresources use between nation states among the globe.   Therefore, it is very crucial for developing countries, especially Ethiopia to have acomplete image and understanding about the facts and realities going within the international environmental law regime and practice on global environmental problems.The main purpose of this paper is to show the real practice and regime of international laws on Ethiopian environmental problems. There fore Ethiopia can endorse and enforce attractive international environmental laws and regulations to its national laws andpolicies. Eventually,doing so they can strengthen their way of protecting the environment, minimize poverty, and achieve other political, social and sustainable economic and environmental development.
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贺先生走了,走得那么匆忙、突然,使人无法接受。他怀着对连环画事业深深的眷恋走了,也带走了曾经如此辉煌的连环画时代。  我不由自主地从书架上又一次拿下珍藏的1961年版精装本《山乡巨变》和他老人家1980年赠送给我的《朝阳沟》,他在扉页上用心的签名又把我带回了在上海人民美术出版社学习和创作的那些日子。  记得在我初学绘画时,我临摹的第一个范本就是20世纪60年代初出版的《连环画选页》中贺友直先生的《