Factors Contributing to Maternal Mortality in Monrovia, Liberia in November 2011

来源 :海军军医大学 中国人民解放军海军军医大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wzq558
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Objective:To acertain factors,perceptions of quality healthcare services, and as well respondents knowledge on pregnancy complications regarding maternal deaths in Monrovia,Liberia.  Methods:This research was conducted using the cross-sectional study design.We carefully investigated using questionnaires and interviews to collect the information from childbearing mothers at the various health facilities.Now the Simple random sampling technique was used to collect the desire information.from a cross-sectional population.  Results:Haemorrhage and sepsis were the leading direct causes of maternal deaths in Monrovia with each accounting for 38.6% and 27.2% respectively.The indirect causes of maternal deaths were anemia accounting for 40.7% as well as malaria accounting for 33.9%.  Perceptions about quality of healthcare services, education, distance, and knowledge of pregnancy complications were statistically significant (P=0.05,P<0.05,P<0.05,P=0.05) respectively.Occupation was not statistically significant (P>0.05) indicating it was not a factor of maternal death.  Conclusion:Maternal mortality remains to be of grave concerned in Monrovia and the entire country as large.It is believed that active and robust public health measures are important strategies to achieve desire program goals.Skills enhancement programs,improving healthcare services,management,and continuous outreach education campaigns by trained health workers are the key strategies and hallmarks to educating people especially those residing in Monrovia and other parts of the country.
中图分类号:G633.51 文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-1875(2009)16-155-01     当前,中学教育的核心任务是培养学生的创造能力。为此,必须抓住课堂这个主阵地,挖掘其中蕴涵的有利于培养学生创造力的积极因素,全力构建适宜学生创造思维和个性发展的教学模式。  斯宾塞认为:“坚持一个人无论怎样也不过分的事情,就是在教育中应该尽量鼓励人发展的过程,应该引导学生进行探讨、自己去推论
本刊讯(罗浩昌)钟思中,名石,号楚丁,湖北荆州人,钟教授是中华书画学会副主席、澳门文化传媒联合会副会长、台湾海峡两岸文化交流协会常务理事、中国书法家协 The Journal (L
中图分类号:G633.8文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-1875(2009)16-156-01     一次考试结束,往往是同学们学习的一次分水岭,尤其是初三(九年级)化学,因为是同学们刚刚接触,也是第一次面对正式的化学考试,所以考好的同学认为这个学科很好学,考差了的同学认为这个学科太难了,要记的东西大多了,要理解的概念也太难了,那么我们同学们通过一次初三(九年级)化学期中考试后应该如何面对呢?