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The temperature dependence of Mn ion magnetization and the conductivity difference versus temperature provide phase separation evidence in Nd1-xSrxMnOs (x=0.50,
The self-deflection of a bright solitary beam can be controlled by a dark solitary beam via a parametric coupling effect between the bright and dark solitary be
We study theoretically the low-temperature electronic transport property of a straight quantum wire under the irradiation of a finite-range transversely polariz
We propose a scheme for generating nonclassical states for the centre-of-mass vibrational mode of N trapped ions,including superpositions of several coherent st
With the application of a Wigner function description of a two-mode squeezed state, we study a protocol of continuous variable entanglement swapping in a noisy
We have carried out a theoretical calculation of the differential cross section for the electron Raman scatteringprocess associated with the surface optical pho
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