Study on Dilemma and Choice of Foreign Language in Madagascar’s Education

来源 :浙江师范大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:peng1589955
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The choice of the language in the Malagasy education system and the way to teach them-as in many colonized countries-have been affected by radical changes,inspired by political rather than technical considerations.The problem of the place attributed to foreign languages-particularly French and English-has become increasingly important in Madagascar.The aim of this work was to make Malagasy people aware of the language dilemma they face and the importance of effective language planning and deliberate language policy in the twenty-first century,particularly in the field of education.In this thesis,the author described the dilemmas and the choice of those two main international languages,focusing on the paradox of French as an official language used as a language of instruction but which cannot take place in the daily life of Malagasy people and English as a foreign language that takes place in the Malagasy society but does not receive the attention it deserves in language planning.This research was conducted within the framework of ethno-methodology and cognitive theory of foreign language learning.Through qualitative research,data were collected on a primary and secondary basis.Primary data were collected through interviews and surveys of teachers,parents,students,public and private schools Secondary data were collected from Ministry of Education literature reports on current and future foreign language policy reforms.The thesis found that the study of languages cannot be dissociated from the political,historical and social context of the place where they are learned and used.Thus,at the level of language teaching policy,Madagascar must consider a return to the Malagasyization of the institution’s language,of the system and the content of the curriculum from primary school to university.In the absence of appropriate language planning and development,the Malagasyization of education in Madagascar has been an unfortunate experience.But the Malagasy government must continue to believe in the Malagasyisation of the education by considering every previous flaw,in defining foreign language policy,for the benefit of all and the elites of tomorrow.
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