
来源 :成都大学 | 被引量 : 1次 | 上传用户:lalalalala520
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The rapid development of the Internet,big data,and the pursuit of efficiency by all relevant stakeholders make the traditional human resource management more challenging.At present,informationized human resource management(e-HRM)is constantly integrated into various industries,but also brings a lot of convenience to it,greatly improves the working efficiency of enterprises,but also brings greater benefits and profits to enterprises.With the gradual application of e-HRM,the effective use of e-HRM has also been many opportunities and challenges.As a hot research topic of modern enterprises,the influencing factors of e-HRM are gradually paid attention to by all parties.To make the stakeholders have better understanding of information human resource management and avoid risks effectively in the process of adoption,this paper first through the existing research theories and models at home and abroad to comb the summary and research,user adoption and research behavior theory is more in-depth exploration and analysis,learn from the previous theoretical methods and models,integrated technology acceptance model(TAM),technology-organization-environment(TOE)model,constructed an impact e-HRM use of the innovation model,from a The influence factors of information human resources in the process of use are investigated from a more comprehensive perspective,including three parts: technical factors,organizational factors and environmental factors.Among them,the technical factors include four variables: security,complexity,compatibility,relative technical advantage;organizational factors include three variables: organizational ability,organizational training,executive support;environmental factors include two variables: competitive pressure and trend pressure;the variables of individual willingness to adopt include perceived ease of use,perceived usefulness,use attitude and use intention.According to the TAM-TOE integration model,the research model of this paper is constructed and theoretical assumptions are put forward through questionnaire survey By using the method of network questionnaire to collect data,through the empirical research comprehensive analysis of the impact of the e-HRM implementation of the various factors of the degree of correlation,and the results of the empirical results and error explanation,so as to complete the purpose and task of this paper.This paper draws the following conclusions through empirical research :1 compatibility,relative technical advantages,organizational ability,executive support,training education have a significant positive impact on perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness 2 security has a negative impact on perceived ease of use.Complexity has no significant positive effect on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.Trend pressure,competitive pressure has a positive effect on perceived usefulness 5 Trend pressure has a direct effect on use attitude and is a positive effect.Based on the research results,this paper provides some technical,organizational and environmental suggestions for enterprises or stakeholders in the use of e-HRM.effectiveness to avoid adoption risk.This paper expands the content and scope of information-based human resource management research,and further deepens the application of the model.Finally,it analyzes the research process and the shortcomings of the results.
<正> 劳动力是生产力诸要素中的主体要素。劳动者在生产过程中有目的、有意识地使用劳动工具对劳动对象进行加工,创造了社会财富。与此同时,劳动者也不断地发掘自身的潜力,增