
来源 :江西医学院 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jackyray
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To study the immuno1ogica1 mechani sm of hepat itis B, the serum1eve1s of inter1 eukin--2 (IL--2), sol uab1e inter1eukin--2 receptor (sIL-2R), and tumour necrosis factor zi1pha (TNF-- Q ) in 99 patients withhepatitis B and 27 norma1 controls were measured by ELISA. The resu1tshowed that trie serum 1eve1s ot I[.--2 in patients wi th chronic hepatitisB (C fI) and patients wi th severe heptit i t is B (SH) were significant 1y 1owerthan those in Patients with acLIte hepatitis B (AH) and contro1s (P<0. 0l). 1t’s found that the serLlm 1evel of IL--2 corre1ated with the serLlm1eve1 of sIL--2R and TNF-- Q negativel y (P<0. 0l, P<0. 05), and that theserum leve1 ot s IL--2I{ corre1titeL1 v i tlJ AI.T, HBeAg, and HBV--0NA pos i t ive1y(P<0. 0l), It’s a1so found thzlt the serum 1evel o1 TF-- u c()rre1atedwi th ALT, I-{BV--0NA pos i t i vely (P<(). () l ). After tretlted wi th Art i fic ia1Liver Support System (ALSS), those I7ilt i ents wi th Sll were toL1nd withsigni t>icant1y higher serum l eve l ()4’ IL--2 and 1ower levels of : sT[.--2R andTNF-- Q (I3<0. 01). But tlle serLlm levc l s of IL--2, sIL--2R, tlnd TF-- Q ofthose patients were found resuming i n 72h atter the treatment. It isSuggested thtlt the ii[jnorma1 serum I ovels of:f L--2, sIL--2, and TF-- Q arethe result of evo1L1tion of hepzlt i t i s I3. 1t ii1so revea1ed thzlt the ALSSctln j.Jnprove the imrnune tunct ion tolnperat el y.
目的探讨质子泵抑制剂(proton pump inhibitors,PPIs)对成人咽喉反流性疾病(laryngopharyngeal ref lux disease,LPR D)的治疗作用及安全性。方法以建库至2017年8月18日为检
以一整套中国春背景的单染色体代换系和中国春、供体Synthetic 6x小麦为材料,研究了低氮胁迫条件下苗期氮效率的染色体效应。结果表明,低氮胁迫条件下,依据供试代换系植株干
本报北京5月15日讯 记者蔡岩红 国家海洋局近日下发政务公开工作方案,将研究拟定该局部门权力责任清单,加强海洋行政执法,制定公布《海洋生态红线监督管理办法》。$$方案指