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The protection and inheritance of ancient villages culture is one of the major challenges faced in the new urbanization in our country. At present, the researches on ancient villages are mainly concentrated in the protection of construction and environment, spatial organization, and cultural inheritance, etc. What the researches lack in the dynamic evolution rules and planning strategy of ancient villages as organism, it is necessary to study on the vitality of ancient villages and the planning under the horizon of vitality.The study analyses the concept of vitality and the value of the vitality applied to the study of ancient villages first of all, then constructs the vitality of the ancient villages system structure taking the Suzhou ancient villages as the main object of research, and subsequently puts forward the planning strategy to construct Suzhou ancient villages full of vitality, finally takes Lu lane ancient village as a case for empirical research. Main conclusions are as follows:Vitality connotation can be decomposed into two parts of cohesion and extension, the cohesion is the results of the sense of value identity, belonging and pride of the native villagers, and the extension originates from the development demands of the residents and evolution of natural environment; the formation of Suzhou ancient village vitality is affected by the combined effects of internal and external driving forces and shows two forms of ideology and physical form, and the ideology includes four parts of unique regional culture,ancient village spatial image, folk-custom and spirit characterization, meanwhile the physical form consists of four parts, including spatial texture, vernacular landscapes, dynamic social places and rural elite; the core of the Suzhou ancient village planning is to construct ancient village space full of vitality, key points include the following:The four planning concepts of "enjoying nature, enjoying living, enjoying travelling and enjoying participation in politics", Inheriting geographical culture to reserve the ancient village landscape aesthetics; Improving living conditions to enhance the cohesion; Innovating management patterns to reveals the spirit characteristics; Giving full play to the advantages of rural elite to activate the public participation.
<正>2019-01-04在JAMA Network上发布的一项新的研究表明,当一名癫痫患者在怀孕期间使用抗癫痫药物丙戊酸钠时,她的婴儿患注意力缺陷/多动症(ADHD)的概率就会增加。丹麦的报