
来源 :中国地质大学 中国地质大学(武汉) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asqbt
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该文在大量的实际资料综合研究分析基础之上,主要取得了以下4个方面的成果与认识:1、通过对百色盆地上法地区浅层藏的气层、水层、含气水层、干层的地震反射特征统计,发现浅层气气层和含气水层均有振幅减弱、频率降低以及连续性减弱等特征,即以暗点的形式表现,这是油气在地震剖面上的一大表现特征;水层在地震剖面上主要表现为两级分化的地震反射特征,其中主要以弱振幅、低频率和不连续为主;而对于上法地区浅层气的干层来说,在地震剖面上则有振幅增强、频率变高以及连续性变好的特征.2、通过对工区内地震资料的重新解释,对法19气藏的成藏有了新的认识.法19井附近的断层在以前解释时,都把它解释为一条北东一南西向的正断层,认为该断层是在伏平组以后形成的,对前期形成的气藏具有破坏作用.但我们通过精细解释发现该断层从百岗组以下地层只断到百一段底部,而没有延伸到百一段顶部和伏平组,顶部的断层是伏平组以后形成的另一期断层,与底部的断层不是同期断层.这就意味着,前期形成的断层对法19气藏的形成具有积极作用.该断层向下一直深入到那读组,通过它可以把那读组和百三段生成的气运移到百二段,在有利的百二段底部聚集成藏,形成法19气藏.由于后期的断层与前期的断层没有连起来,因而油气没有通过该断层向上逸散掉,使得法19气藏保存.3、通过对该区的地震属性的提取和优化试验,发现工区内地震属性对气藏的反应不敏感,其原因主要在于气藏和上下岩层的速度差太小.因此地震属性分析还要探讨使用新的软件系统,如StratMegic等,引入地质约束较强的属性参数.4、通过储层反演试验,认为优良的储盖组合条件是浅层气成藏的关键因素,那些"大面积分布,,的厚砂层,常常因为后期断层的存在而缺乏足够的侧向封堵条件,油气无法聚集成藏.相反那些层段较薄,分布面积较小的砂体,往往具有较好的封盖条件,同时没有遭受到后期断层的破坏而形成浅层气气藏.就我们局部试验研究来看,法9井北东方向有一个有利区块,是一个天然的岩性圈闭.而且其发育部位邻近法9井断层,那读组的油气可由此运移进入砂岩体中而成藏.关键词:地震响应特征百色盆地地震属性提取储层反演ABSTRACTThe result of three times resource evaluation indicated that Baise basin have substantial element of forming shallow gas pool, and resource of shallow gas has more potential exploration and development. The gas pools mainly distribute over Baigang group, Fuping group, and Nadu group. Early 70s, gas was found in the well Xiang-1 of Xianglu region, but people always didnt take attention to shallow gas of Baise basin for coming on water resulted by fixing well and mistaken ideas of stratagem of exploration. Until 2001,department of Nanning found a passel of wells, having better shallow gas exhibition in the foundation of fine callback of old wells. Then,the exploration of shallow gas was formally referred to the schema.The same time, people also found that shallow gas was forgotten very much in past years,there are not almost information of exploration and development of shallow gas, so exploration and development of shallow gas did not roll ones hoop. Test wells constrained elastic impedance inversion was processed by Strata software, but the extent of the error of its result was bigger.The numerical value of elastic impedance inversion was varied from normal 9000 or not to tens of thousands, which caused a little bigger difference and indistinctness of the result, so, using the single method of testing wells constrained elastic impedance inversion havent formed enough support to exploration of shallow gas of Baise basin. Therefore, by applying seismic attribute extraction and optimizing experiment in this region, the paper carry through analysis of system research to seismic attribute of gas-bearing sand strata, summarizing rules, deepening cognition to seismic response of gas-bearing sand strata, enhancing effect of exploration and successful ratio of drilling, in order to enhance degree of reserves controlling, to supply decision gist for exerting produce potential, offering much more consultable information to deploy exploration of shallow gas, at one time, it have directive sense to other gas-bearing perspective region which carry out similar research work in Baise basin.Four aspects result and cognition was achieved by synthetically researching and analysising plenty of factual information:1、 By statisticsing the characteristic of seismic response of gas layer, water layer,gas-bearing water layer, and dry layer of shallow gas field in Shangfa zone, Baise basin, it was found that there were the characteristic: amplitude of vibration weakening, frequency falling, and continuity weakening, which was exhibited by dim spot, this was a big characteristic of oil or gas on the seismic section; the seismic reflection characteristic of water layer on seismic mainly exhibited polarization, among which weaken amplitude of vibration, low frequency, and uncontinuity were majority; but, to dry layer, the character was strong amplitude of vibration,high frequency, good continuity.2、 By explaining seismic profile of work district, new cognition was acquired about the forming of well Fa-19 gas pool. The previous interpret of the fault nearly well Fa-19 all considered that it was a eastnorth-westsouth normal fault, forming after Fuping group, and had destructive function to previous forming gas. But, through fine explain, it was found that the layer under Baigang group in the fault only broke into the bottom of Baiyi segment, not extending to the top of Baiyi segment and Fuping group, the fault of top forming after Fuping group is other periods fault which was not contemporary with the bottom fault. It is meant that the previous forming fault had instructive function to the forming of Fa-19 gas field. The fault extended downward into Nadu group, through the fault, creating gas of Nadu. group and Baisan segment migrated to Baier segment ,accumulating at the avail bottom of Baier segment, forming Fa-19 gas field. Since there was no connection between previous fault and later fault, gas and oil didnt escape upward through fault, which made Fa-19 gas field preserved.3 、 By seismic attribute extraction and optimizing experiment in this region, it was found that effect of seismic attribute to gas field was not sensitive in work district, the reason was mainly that the velocity difference between up rock and down rock was too small. Therefore, the analysis of seismic attribute was needed to probe into using new software system, such as StratMegic, and introducing attribute parameter with more constrained geology.4、 Testing reservoir strata inversion experiment, it was considered that the key factor of forming shallow gas field is having better assembled condition between reservoir and cover.Those thick sand rock which was distributed largely area didnt make gas or oil accumulate into pool, because of the being of later fault that caused lacking enough side enveloped condition. In verse, those whose layer was thin and area was small often had better condition of enveloped covering, not suffering destroy from later fault, forming shallow gas field. According to the regional research, there was a better district in Eastnorth of well Fa-9, which is a natural lithologic trap. It was developed nearly the fault of well Fa-9, so that gas or oil of Nadu group could migrate into the sand body and form gas or oil pool.Key Words: Characteristic of seismic response; Baise basin; seismic attribute extraction;reservoir inversion