
来源 :云南师范大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Water_E
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This case study is based on my ten-week research carried out at Yunnan Experimental School(An Affiliated High School of Beijing University) during the second term of the 2003-2004 school year, during which I was studying for the degree of master of English education. Meanwhile I learnt some new theories about English education and teaching, action Research, for example. It provided me with an opportunity to apply what I had learned in theory to my teaching practice. As Wardhaugh says "Good teaching practice is based on good theoretical understanding. There is indeed nothing so practical as good theory."(Wardhaugh,1969:116) This thesis on one hand aims at emphasizing the importance of helping students become autonomous learners in the classroom practice of English learning and teaching as a foreign language, and on the other attempts to analyze the indivisible relationship between language and culture.Detailed discussions are made in such fields as how to help students develop their intercultural awareness, how to help them formulate a whole set of hypothesis concerning various learning activities, and how to help them establish their intercultural communication competence. In a word, it is not only an exact action research report of how I helped my students learn English in an effective and enjoyable way, but also a partial reflection of my own teaching work and personal experience of growth as an English teacher.
本论文主要论述了现代教育技术(CALL)同外语教学理论在外语实践教学中的结合,希望写作过程教学法同BBS 的结合能更好地促进外语写作课的教学质量。论文首先讨论了写作过程的
1989年5月,笔者和美国学者 L.白金格、B.麻德森、G.伊思通以及内蒙古阿拉善盟林业治沙处陈玉林处长等,在阿拉善左旗进行沙漠生态考察时,分别在贺兰山西麓、腾格里沙漠及乌兰
【正】 《西北大学学报》去年第3期披露了周楞伽与施蛰存先生以《词的“派”与“体”之争》为题的几封书信,使我等后学有幸拜读到两位词学前辈论词的高见。但读后私下亦有少
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