
来源 :青岛大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangwily
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Shandong province is one of the developed provinces in China, but the regional difference of economic development is remarkable, and it contains several less developed areas. Based on the confirmation of the less developed areas in Shandong province, this paper concludes that they have many common features in economic development level,location factor, and tourism resources. So its tourism development should follow an "unconventional" mode. Liaocheng is the typical less developed area in Shandong, and in recent years, its tourism developed rapidly, so its tourism development practices can give directions to similar areas. This paper analyzes the tourism development factors in Liaocheng,expounds its remarkable achievements, and concludes its main experiences: governmentsleading promotes tourism development; based on comparative advantage, confirm and promote the status of tourism; foster grown pole to drive regional tourism development;strengthen publicity and promotion, establish distinctive image; absorb social fund to develop tourism. Based on the study on the tourism development practices, the author puts forward the tourism development strategies for less developed areas in Shandong province. Finally,this author probes tourism development methods of less development areas in Shandong.This part contains tourism products development, tourism market development, and sustaining system. The aim of this paper is to perfect the theory structure of tourism development in less developed areas, and to give directions to the tourism development operation of similar areas.
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