
来源 :华中科技大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hscyg
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Where the perpetrator directly commits a crime,the identification of the perpetrator’s conduct is generally not a difficult problem.However,in judicial practice,there are also cases in which deliberately resort to the hands of those who have no criminal responsibility or who are completely unaware of the situation in order to ensure that their criminal purposes can be achieved.In this case,because its criminal acts include the indirect principal offender’s behavior and behaviors by the person who was be used.How to identify the proceeding of its action?It is undoubtedly an important theoretical issue of criminal law worthful studying.Therefore,this paper intends to expand the research on the identification of the indirect principal offender’s execution behavior,by defining our country’s accomplice system,trying to limit the starting point of the indirect principal offender’s execution behavior to a reasonable range.Then,within the framework of not breaking through the basic principles of our current criminal law,in line with the modesty of criminal law,in order to provide solutions for the identification of indirect principal offenders.The article is divided into three parts according to the writing ideas used in the research process are to put forward problems-analyze problems-solve problems.Therefore,under the guidance of this train of thought,the article is mainly divided into three parts to discuss.First is the introduction,which begins with the purpose and significance of this topic,the theory of identification of indirect principal offenders by scholars at home and abroad,and the methods and routes of this study.In the first part,according to the effective cases in our country,the controversial focus of conviction and determination is brought out,so as to analyze and discuss how to identify the indirect principal offender in our country,and based on judicial practice,pointedly put forward the current indirect principal offender in our country to identify the standard of ambiguity and inconsistency.In the second part,on the basis of defining our country’s accomplice system,the author expounds the theoretical controversy about indirect principal offender,and puts forward her own views after commenting and analyzing it.The last part of the article combines the judicial practice of our country,carries on the typification analysis to the indirect principal offender,and carries it out in practice.
目的探讨GP方案对比GT方案一线治疗转移性三阴性乳腺癌的疗效。方法 90例转移性三阴性乳腺癌患者,根据治疗方法不同分为对照组及观察组,各45例。对照组给予GT方案一线治疗,观
<正> 有些孩子经常无缘无故的肚子痛,轻者不影响活动;重者爬在床上,声泪俱下,难以忍受。但过后又玩笑如常,象没事一样,找医生检查也查不出什么大毛病。这是怎么一回事呢?
<正> “百里不同房,同房不百里”是一句农村俗谚,有一定的道理。“同房”是性生活的雅称。“百里不同房”,是指长途行走以后不宜马上性交;“同房不百里”,指的是性交后不宜马