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新世纪中国电影呈现国家形象的影片主要有以下三个大的层面:一、革命中国和民族中国层面上的影片,这类影片将主旋律题材和具有浓郁个性的民族题材相融合,期望达到激励爱国主义情感,塑造强盛的国家形象的目的。二、历史中国和神话中国层面上的影片,主要通过展示古代中国文化和神话形象,反映当今国家主流意识形态和市场需求相结合的电影产业发展趋势和民族文化意义上的国家形象。三、时尚中国和世俗中国层面上的影片,通过对当下中国社会风貌的观照和刻画,彰显出当代都市生活丰富多彩、多元发展的国家形象。新世纪中国电影以多元丰富的电影题材和各具特色的电影类型,展现刻画了创新追求、多元发展中的国家形象,体现出电影作为具有大众化、全民性的影像艺术形式,对于中国社会发展进程的历史风貌具有的重要反映功能和能动表现作用。同时也印证着作为国家软实力的中国电影从单一走向多元的时代步伐,彰显了正在进一步深化改革的中国国家形象的自信和力量。 In the new century, the films showing the national image of Chinese movies mainly have the following three major dimensions: First, the films on the revolutionary China and the ethnic China level, which integrate the theme of the theme with the national theme of rich personality and expect to achieve the goal of encouraging the patriotic Sentimentalism, the purpose of shaping a strong national image. Second, the history of China and the mythology of the Chinese film level, mainly through the display of ancient Chinese culture and mythology, reflecting the current mainstream national ideology and market demand for the combination of the development trend of the film industry and national cultural significance of the national image. Third, fashion China and the secular Chinese-level films, through the contemplation and portrayal of the current social landscape in China, highlights the colorful and diverse national image of contemporary urban life. In the new century, Chinese cinema features a rich and varied movie theme and distinctive movie genres, which depict the national image of innovation and diversification. It shows that film, as a form of video art with popularity and universal character, shows the social development process in China The historical style has an important reflection function and dynamic performance. At the same time, it also confirms the pace of the transition from a single to a pluralistic period for Chinese film as a country with soft power, highlighting the self-confidence and strength of the Chinese national image that is further deepening reform.
<正> 一、关系中国现代化前途的两个大问题 (一)党的十六届三中全会提出坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观,是中国社会经济发展新阶段的要求。全面建设小康社会对
首先将我国深沪两市所有上市公司分成了22个行业大类与47个行业子类 ,计算了行业市盈率。然后以行业市盈率作为基本工具分别研究产品市场投资增长的行业走向和并购重组的规模
<正> 家庭承包经营带来的农村经济的全面增长从1985年起发生了新的变化,一方面,农村工业异军突起进入高速增长阶段;另一方面,以粮、棉为主的土地经营开始失去势头,增长速度明
<正> 流程再造是兴起于20世纪90年代的一种管理思想。流程再造的基本思想是:以顾客需求和满意度为中心,对既有的流程进行根本性地再思考和彻底地再设计,利用先进的制造技术、