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参加教育工作至今已三十年有余,三十年中,无论是带班时的耳闻目睹和亲历所为,还是平时读书看报时优秀班主任经验的点滴积累,都督促我探索和思考如何当好一名班主任,如何做一位学生热爱和喜欢的老师。“十年树木,百年树人”从一个侧面道出了教育工作的长期性和艰巨性,而班主任工作贯穿班级工作的始终,要使班主任工作取得理想的教育效果,我认为必须在班主任工作中倾注“四心”。一、虚心我们的教育对象是一个个鲜活的生命体,他们求善求上,对 It has been more than 30 years since I joined the education work. Over the past 30 years, I have accumulated a lot of experience and experience when I was in class, Class teacher, how to be a student who loves and likes the teacher. The ten-year-old tree and the hundred-year-old man demonstrated the long-term and arduous work of education from one aspect. However, the teacher-in-charge works throughout the class work. To make the work of the class teacher achieve the desired educational effect, Work devoted “four hearts ”. First, open-minded Our education object is a living body, they seek for good, right
The mass excess of the neutron-rich nucleus ~(122)Cd is measured by transfer reactions~(122)Sn(~(18)O,~(20)Ne)~(120)Cd and ~(124)Sn(~(18)O,~(20)Ne)~(122)Cd.Its
This is the 16th issue of Communication of Nuclear Data Progress (CNDP), in which the achievements in nuclear data field for the last year in P. R. China and a
The approximate angular momentum projection of the deformed Hartree-Fock(PDHF)method is extended to lg2s3d shell and used to study ~(115)Xe and ~(118)Xe nuclei
This is the 17th issue of Communication of Nuclear Data Progress (CNDP), in which the nuclear data achievements and progress in China during the last year are
The ~(235)U(n,f) fission product yield data were evaluated for some important product nuclides ~(95)Zr, ~(99)Mo, ~(144)Ce and ~(147)Nd. The dependence of fissi
Introduction Both ~(159)Tb and ~(169)Tm are rare-earth elements. Their activation cross sections are a good indicator for nuclear science and technology applic