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2003年春节期间,江西吉安319国道井冈山黄洋界至永新步里段公路改造工程项目的建设者们为了使工程早日完工,舍弃与家人团聚的机会,仍然奋战在施工一线。春节前夕,雨雪天气较多,以至年前工程计划大都没有完成。恰巧今年春节期间出现了少有的好天气,这正是赶工程的好机会。319国道的建设者们决定放弃春节假期,全体奋战在建设工地上。大年初一,我随指挥部常务副指挥长颜传盛对全线仍然坚守在岗位的筑路工人们进行慰问。一路上,到处都是热火朝天的施工场面,挖机、钻机、装载机都在高速运转,耳边不时传来旁边村庄喜庆的爆竹声,但是筑路工人们依然在各自的岗位上有条不紊地工作着,虽然他们大多数人都来自外地,平时就少有机会回家,但是他们放弃了与家人团聚的机会,为早日实现井冈山革命老区通上致富路而大干苦干。 During the Spring Festival of 2003, the builders of the Highway Reconstruction Project from the Huangyangjie to Yongxinbuoli sections of the State Highway 319 in Ji’an, Jiangxi Province, still fighting on the construction line in order to complete the project as soon as possible and discard the opportunity to reunite with their families. On the eve of the Spring Festival, there are more rain and snow and most of the projects were not completed before the year. There happened to be rare good weather during the Spring Festival this year, which is a good opportunity to catch up with the project. The builders of the 319 State Road decided to give up the Spring Festival holidays and all were fighting on the construction site. On the first day of the New Year, Yan Chuan-sheng, deputy commander of the command headquarters, extended his condolences to the road construction workers who are still sticking to their posts. Along the way, there are full construction scenes in full swing. Digging machines, drilling rigs and loaders are running at high speed. From time to time, the sound of firecrackers at the nearby villages is heard. However, road construction workers still work in an orderly manner in their respective posts Although most of them are from other places, they rarely have the opportunity to go home. However, they have given up their opportunity to reunite with their families and worked hard to get through the road to getting rich at an early date in the revolutionary old district of Jinggangshan.
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