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2002年1月7日,国家计划发展委员会和建设部制定了《工程勘察设计收费标准》,由原来的政府定价调整为以政府指导价为主、市场调节价为辅,并于2002年3月1日起施行,该收费标准已经实施了13年。2015年2月28日,国家发改委发布《关于进一步放开建设项目专业服务价格的通知》(发改价格〔2015〕299号),在已放开非政府投资及非政府委托的建设项目专业服务价格的基础上,全面放开前期咨询、勘察设计、招标代理、工程监理、环境影响咨询等5类实行政府指导价管理的建设项目专业服务价格,实行市场调节价,并于3月1日开始实施。至此,我国建设项目服务价格将完全由市场竞争形成,由经营者自主制定,以充分发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用。此次市场化调价将对整个行业、企业发展带来什么影响,本刊邀请多方业内代表各抒己见,谈看法,议影响。 January 7, 2002, the State Development Planning Commission and the Ministry of Construction formulated a “survey fee engineering design”, from the original government price adjustment to the government guidance price, supplemented by market regulation, and in March 2002 January 1, the charges have been implemented for 13 years. On 28 February 2015, the National Development and Reform Commission promulgated the Notice on Further Opening the Price of Professional Services for Construction Projects (Issue No. 299 (2015)). After the non-government investment and non-governmental entrusted construction project professional services have been released On the basis of the price, fully liberalize the professional service prices of construction projects such as pre-consultation, survey and design, bidding agency, project supervision and environmental impact consultation, and implement market-regulated prices and start the business on March 1 Implementation. At this point, China’s construction project service prices will be completely formed by the market competition, developed by the operators independently to give full play to the market in the allocation of resources decisive role. The market price adjustment will affect the entire industry, business development, the magazine invited a number of industry representatives to express their views on the views, the impact of discussion.
【正】 中国人民保险公司举办的家庭财产保险受到城乡职工和社员的普遍欢迎。各大中城市参加家庭财产保险的户数,1980年为17,000余户,1981年为210万户。今年1—6月份又有137