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《中国农业机械年鉴》是一部记载我国农机工业和农机化事业(含农、林、牧、副、渔)发展的史册,也是一部综合性的农机工具书,具有很高的权威性。其内容包括农机方面的方针、政策贯彻执行情况,农机工业和农机化事业的现状、发展概况与统计资料,新产品、优质产品、主要产品、标准、质量、科技进步奖项目、发明奖项目、专利项目;主要企事业单位概况;以及公路方面的统计等。它是农机行业各级干部、企事业单位领导和广大工程技术人员、管理人员必备的工具书,具有较高的使用价值和存查价值。 《1999中国农业机械年鉴》为16开本,全书866万字,激光照排,正文采用70克胶版纸;彩色插页32幅,采用进口128克铜版纸四色胶印;封皮烫金,硬皮精装。每本国内定价120元,邮购另加邮费 Yearbook of China’s Agricultural Machinery is a historical record of the development of China’s agricultural machinery industry and agricultural mechanization (including agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and fishery). It is also a comprehensive agricultural machinery book, which is highly authoritative. Its contents include the guidelines of agricultural machinery, the implementation of policies, the current situation of agricultural machinery industry and agricultural mechanization, the development of general statistics and statistics, new products, quality products, major products, standards, quality, science and technology progress awards, invention awards, Patent projects; survey of major enterprises and institutions; and highway statistics. It is the agricultural machinery industry leaders at all levels, enterprises and institutions and the majority of engineering and technical personnel, managers essential reference book, with high value and deposit value. “1999 China Agricultural Machinery Yearbook” is 16 open book, the book 866 words, the laser photo arrangement, the text using 70 grams of offset paper; color insert 32, imported 128 grams of coated paper four-color offset printing; gilt bronze, hardcover hardcover. Each domestic price of 120 yuan, plus mail-order postage
节肢动物传播的寄生虫随血摄入昆虫体内后,要通过细胞的(如中肠上皮)和非细胞的[如围食基质(Peritrophic matrix)和基底膜]屏障,并受到一系列酶、大分子和其他化 Arthropod
AIM To analyse the clinical features of patients with the serrated lesions in the upper gastrointestinal tract(UPGI) tract.METHODS Patients who underwent routin