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近日听朋友谈后现代问题,大有聆听当代启示录之感。据说后现代性的一个特点是“启蒙”:一切价值观念、社会规范乃至科学理性都逐渐消解于无形,人们要重新感受、评价和建立个人的和社会的生活。或说人们如大梦初醒,往昔的确立性均成幻影,一切普遍性,一切本质都要在那个哈姆雷特式的tobe or not to be的问题面前接受审查。 Recently I heard my friend talk about post-modern issues and listened to the inspiration of contemporary Apocalypse. It is said that one of the characteristics of postmodernity is “enlightenment”: all values, social norms and even scientific rationality are gradually eliminated invisible, and people must feel again, evaluate and establish personal and social life. Or people wake up awake, the past, the establishment of the illusion of reality, all universality, all essential to that Hamlet-style tobe or not to be in front of the issue to be scrutinized.
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在解决一类非等差数列或等比数列的问题时 ,一般都比较困难 ,若能把它们转化为我们熟悉的等差(等比 )数列 ,则问题就解决起来就比较容易 ,下面我们举几例说明其在求通项公式
高考作为选择人才的考试 ,能力考查始终摆在重要的位置 .数学科目中对逻辑思维能力、运算能力、空间想象能力、分析问题与解决问题的能力的考查 ,是通过解题体现的 .其中 ,运
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陈家洛很多人说过陈家洛是个失败的人物,但我怀疑每个人都有一个阶段梦想过做陈家洛那样的人:出身高贵而平民化,文武全才,风度翩翩,重情重义,有崇高理想,为 Many people in