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构成生产力的基本要素是劳动者、劳动资料和劳动对象.马克思主义认为,劳动生产力是随着科学和技术的不断进步而不断发展的.邓小平同志在总结了二次世界大战以来,特别是七八十年代世界经济发展的新趋势和新经验后,明确提出:“科学技术是生产力,而且是第一生产力.”随着当代科学技术和生产的迅速发展,人们已清楚地认识到,构成生产力的三要素,无一不同科学技术紧密相关.科学技术为劳动者所掌握,就会极大地提高人们认识自然、改造自然的能力;科学技术和劳动资料相结合,就会大幅度地提高工具的效能,从而成倍地提高劳动生产率,就会帮助人类向生产的深度和广度进军;而劳动对象随着人类科学视野的扩大,直接影响着社会资源的利用和产业的开发,影响到社会劳动财富的增加和积累.生产力的诸因素,只有和科学技术融合、凝结在一起,即科学技术不断渗透到生产力各因素 The basic elements that make up the productive forces are the laborers, the working materials and the working objects. Marxism believes that the productive forces of labor are constantly evolving with the continuous progress of science and technology. Comrade Deng Xiaoping summarized the great differences between the two world wars After the new trends and new experiences in world economic development in the decade, it was clearly stated: “Science and technology are productive forces and are the primary productive forces.” With the rapid development of science, technology and production in the world, people have come to realize clearly that what constitutes a productive force All three elements are closely related to science and technology.Science and technology are mastered by laborers, which greatly enhance people’s ability to recognize nature and transform nature. The combination of science and technology and labor information will greatly improve the effectiveness of the tool , Thus exponentially increasing labor productivity, will help people to enter the depth and breadth of production; and with the expansion of human science vision, the object of labor directly affects the utilization of social resources and industrial development, affecting the social labor wealth Increase and accumulation. The factors of productivity, only with the integration of science and technology, condensed together, that is, science and technology Off penetration into the productivity of each factor
论述了档案馆科学管理的内容、档案馆科学管理和外界的关系、档案馆的业务管理以及行政管理等。 Discusses the contents of the scientific management of archives, the r
通过理论计算与工业试验开发了180 t钢包喂实芯钙包芯线工艺。理论计算结果表明,对于直径9 mm,芯皮厚度为0.75 mm的包芯线,其理论最小喂丝速度为1.48 m/s。工业试验结果表明,