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今年9月底,应中国对外友协的邀请,埃及著名作家、文学评论家尤素福·沙鲁尼对北京等地进行了友好的学术访问。国庆前夕,他抵达上海,下榻于锦江饭店。欣闻此讯,笔者与《阿拉伯世界》编辑部的同志怀着仰慕之情拜会了这位遐迩闻名的阿拉伯作家。 尤素福·沙鲁尼,1924年出生于埃及的穆奴菲省,40年代末开始文学创作生涯,以短篇小说和散文诗见长。他勤于笔耕,著作颇丰,以现实主义和深刻的人物心理剖析相结合这一文学风格在埃及现代文坛独树一帜。现在,他虽已年逾古稀,但精神矍铄,思路敏捷,谈吐诙谐,创作热情高涨。当我们走进他的房间时,他热情地邀我们入座,请我们用茶,然后亲切友好地与我们交谈,领着我们步入了他的文学创作之路。 1954年,尤素福·沙鲁尼发表了短篇小说集《五个恋人》,之后又陆续创作了小说《致女性的一封信》(1960),《拥挤》(1969)、《精神的甜蜜》(1971)、《夜半追踪》(1973)、《最后一颗葡萄》(1976)等。在这些小说中,他的得意之作莫过于《拥挤》,因为该小说在内容和形式两方面均有效地体现了主题。在内容上,它以低矮的房屋和狭窄的街道为背景,刻划了人物内心由此而产生的郁闷,反映了埃及因人口众多而产生的一些社会问题;在形式上,则摒弃了阿拉伯语中最常用的连接虚词,采用了较长的句? At the end of September this year, at the invitation of China Association of Foreign Friendship, Yusuf Shalunyi, a famous Egyptian writer and literary critic, conducted a friendly academic visit to Beijing and other places. On the eve of National Day, he arrived in Shanghai and stayed at Jin Jiang Hotel. I heard this news, I and the “Arab world” editorial comrades with admiration for the visit to the world famous Arab writer. Yusuf Shalunyi, born in Egypt in May 2424, began his literary career in the late 1940s and became known as a short story and essayist. He diligently penned, works quite good, with realism and profound psychological analysis of characters combined with this literary style in the modern literary world of Egypt is unique. Now, although he is more than seventy years old, he is full of energy, quick thinking, humorous and creative enthusiasm. When we walked into his room, he warmly invited us to sit down, invited us to tea and chatted with us kindly and friendlyly, leading us into his literary creation. In 1954, Yusuf Shalunyi published a collection of short stories, “Five Lovers,” and later wrote the novel “Letter to Women” (1960), “Congestion” (1969), “Spirit of Sweetness” (1971), Midnight Trail (1973), The Last Grape (1976) and others. Among these novels, his favorite thing is “crowding” because the novel effectively embodies the theme in both content and form. In its content, with low houses and narrow streets as the background, it depict the depravity caused by the innermost feelings of the characters, reflecting some of the social problems caused by Egypt’s populous population. In terms of form, it abandons Arabs Language in the most commonly used function words, using a longer sentence?