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近几年来,我国的奶业实现了高速增长,在促进农业产业结构调整、农民增收和改善人民膳食结构等方面发挥了重要作用。但2008年以来,我国的奶业先后受到了“三聚氰胺”事件的影响和国际金融危机的冲击,正面临着前所未有的困境。那么,这次国际金融危机对我国奶业究竟产生了哪些影响?我们又应该怎样应对?来自国家现代奶牛产业技术体系奶业经济研究室的专家们围绕以上问题展开调研,并结合权威统计数据进行分析,相信能够给正处于困惑期的中国奶业冷静、客观的视角。值得说明的是,由于“三聚氰胺”事件与国际金融危机的爆发在时间段上具有高度重合性,因此在分析国际金融对我国奶业影响过程中,存在着处理技术上的障碍,有些情况下很难把两者的影响严格区分开来。因篇幅所限,本刊将全文分上、下篇刊登。本期刊登上篇,下篇敬请关注2009年第14期“奶牛养殖”专栏。 In recent years, China's dairy industry has achieved rapid growth, which has played an important role in promoting the adjustment of agricultural industrial structure, increasing farmers' income and improving the dietary structure of the people. However, since 2008, China's dairy industry has been affected by the “melamine” incident and the impact of the international financial crisis. It is facing an unprecedented dilemma. So what impact has this international financial crisis have on our dairy industry? How should we respond to this? Experts from the Dairy Economy Research Laboratory of the State-level Dairy Industry Technology System have conducted research on the above issues and conducted a combination of authoritative statistical data Analysis, I believe can give the dairy industry in China is a period of calm, objective perspective. It is worth noting that due to the high coincidence of the “melamine” incident and the outbreak of the international financial crisis over time, there are technical obstacles in analyzing the impact of international finance on China's dairy industry. In some cases It is difficult to strictly distinguish the effects of the two. Due to space limitations, the full text of the magazine points, the next article published. Issue of this issue, the next article, please pay attention to 2009 No. 14 “dairy farming” column.
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