Defining and Sequencing Syntactic Structures in L2 Chinese Instructional Materials

来源 :暨南大学华文学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pxp99
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This article presents a set of criteria that helps determine the sequence of grammatical structures in a systematic fashion. It is a component of what we shall refer to as a pedagogical grammar of L2 Chinese. It includes such factors as LI Chinese natural sequence, L2 Chinese acquisitional sequence, usage frequency, structural complexity, semantic complexity, and interlinguistic distance. Ample illustrations from Mandarin Chinese as well as from L2 Chinese interlanguage (中介语) will be included in this article. A brief description of a corpus of L2 Chinese interlanguage will also be given, as it plays a significant role in a pedagogical grammar. This article concludes that it is imperative that a theoretical framework of a L2 Chinese pedagogical grammar will be established in the field, so that the teaching and/or acquisition of Chinese can proceed on firmer ground. This article presents a set of criteria that helps determine the sequence of grammatical structures in a systematic fashion. It is a component of what we shall refer to as a pedagogical grammar of L2 Chinese. It includes such factors as LI Chinese natural sequence, L2 Chinese acquisitional sequence, usage frequency, structural complexity, semantic complexity, and interlinguistic distance. Ample illustrations from Mandarin Chinese as well as from L2 Chinese interlanguage will (will be included in this article. A brief description of a corpus of L2 Chinese interlanguage will also be given, as it plays a significant role in a pedagogical grammar. This article concludes that it is imperative that a theoretical framework of a L2 Chinese pedagogical grammar will be established in the field, so that the the the teaching and / or acquisition of Chinese can proceed on firmer ground
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