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改革开放以来,县级教师进修学校在完成小学教师学历补偿教育和普及九年义务教育的任务中作出了重要贡献。当前,义务教育阶段教师学历达标任务基本完成,中小学教师培训工作已逐渐转入以提高教师整体素质为目标的继续教育的新阶段。进入新世纪,面临基础教育改革与发展的新挑战,以县级教师进修学校为主体的县级教师培训机构(含市、区、旗级教师培训机构,下同)在实施中小学教师继续教育中占有重要地位,任务十分艰巨。但目前。全国县级教师培训机构总体看比较薄弱,功能单一,不能适应新时期开展中小学教师继续教育工作的需要,不能适应基础教育发展和改革的需要,亟待进一步加强和发展。为此,特提出以下指导意见: Since the reform and opening up, the county-level teacher education schools have made important contributions in completing the task of compensating for the education of elementary school teachers and popularizing the nine-year compulsory education. At present, the task of attaining standard academic qualifications for teachers in the compulsory education stage is basically completed. The training of primary and secondary school teachers has gradually been transferred to a new stage of continuing education that aims at improving the overall quality of teachers. In the new century, facing new challenges in basic education reform and development, county-level teacher training institutions (including city, district, and banner teacher training institutions, similarly hereinafter) are implementing continuing education for primary and secondary school teachers. It occupies an important position and the task is arduous. But now. The county-level teacher training institutions across the country are generally weak and have a single function. They cannot adapt to the needs of continuing education for primary and secondary school teachers in the new era. They cannot adapt to the needs of basic education development and reform and urgently need to be further strengthened and developed. To this end, the following specific guidance is proposed:
添作辅助线是解几何题的重要手段,主要有两方面的作用: 1.将分散的图形联系起来,起“桥梁”作用.适当的辅助线如“一桥飞架南北”,使“天堑变通途”。例如,证明平行四边形的
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