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对于领导力,无论是学术界还是企业界都存在不同的理解。美国当代杰出的组织理论、领导理论大师沃伦.班尼斯认为领导力就像美,它难以定义,但当你看到时,你就知道;以现代管理学之父彼得.德鲁克名字命名的彼得.德鲁克非营利管理基金会把领导力看做是把握组织的使命及动员人们围绕这个使命奋斗的一种能力;李开复则把领导力描述成一种有关前瞻与规划、沟通与协调、真诚与均衡的艺术。而笔者更倾向于领导力是一种特殊的人际影响力,也就是说,组织中的每一个人都会去影响他人,也要接受他人的影响,因此每个员工都具有潜在的和现实的领导力。在组织中,领导者和成员共同推动着团队向着既定的目标前进,从而构成一个有机的系统。同时,在系统内部又有以下几个要素:领导者的个性特征和领导艺术、员工的主观能动性、领导者与员工之间的积极互动、组织目标的制定以及实现的过程。企业若要长期获得成功,保持可持续发展,有赖于执行有效的领导力发展之道。领导力发展是一个由一系列具体步骤组成的流程,不同的阶段需要采取不同的步骤。在这一过程中,可以运用一些不同的领导力工具,从不同的视角来观察情况,与关键利益相关者相互作出承诺,拥有应对未来变化的能力。因此,笔者认为,领导力发展之道是用必要的时间来激发各层级领导力,及时更新所需的知识和技能,并将新的知识与技能实践应用于工作中并产生业绩的过程,是融任务、经验于一体,按照从学识到见识、从见识到胆识的发展思想来推动领导力的提炼、凝聚与落地的。 There is a different understanding of leadership, whether in academia or business. Warren Bannys, the leading modern theory of organization in the United States, thinks leadership is like beauty. It is hard to define, but you know when you see it. Named after Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, Peter. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management sees leadership as an ability to grasp the organization’s mission and to mobilize people to fight around this mission; while Kai-fu Lee describes leadership as a way of looking at and planning, communicating and coordinating, Sincere and balanced art. And I prefer leadership to be a special kind of interpersonal influence, that is, everyone in the organization will influence others, but also to accept the influence of others, so each employee has potential and realistic leadership force. In the organization, leaders and members together to promote the team toward the established goal, thus forming an organic system. At the same time, there are the following elements in the system: the leader’s personality and leadership art, the subjective initiative of employees, active interaction between leaders and employees, the formulation of organizational goals and the process of realization. Long-term business success and sustainability can depend on implementing effective leadership development. Leadership development is a process that consists of a series of concrete steps that require different steps at different stages. In this process, different leadership tools can be used to look at the situation from different perspectives, make commitments with key stakeholders and have the ability to cope with future changes. Therefore, I believe that the process of leadership development is to use the necessary time to stimulate leadership at all levels, to update the required knowledge and skills in time, and to apply new knowledge and skills to work and to generate performance. Financial tasks, experience in one, according to from knowledge to knowledge, from the knowledge to the courage of the development of thought to promote the refining, cohesion and landing.