
来源 :青年研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjun198
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近年来,在改革浪潮的推动下,我国农村正在经历着一个由自给半自给经济向较大规模的商品经济转化,由传统农业向现代化农业转化的伟大变革。在这场变革中,作为农村一代新式农民代表者的广大回乡高、初中毕业生,总是先触摸到时代前进的脉搏,率先奋起,投身改革,不仅为推动农村的两“转变”发挥了重要的作用;也在改革的实践磨炼中提高了自身素质,日趋成长和成熟起来,历史地成为农村商品生产的一支生机勃勃的生力军。为进一步认识回乡高、初中毕业生在农村这场伟大变革中的地位,更好地发挥他们在振兴农村经济中的作用,改革和加强对回乡高、初中毕业生的工作,最近,我们在荣成县进行了为时半月的专题调查。现将了解的情况和一些粗浅的认识总结如下: In recent years, driven by the tide of reform, our country’s countryside is experiencing a great transformation from a semi-subsistence economy to a larger-scale commodity economy and a transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. In this revolution, as the vast majority of rural peasants who represent the new generation of peasants in rural areas return home to high school, junior middle school graduates always touch the pulse of the times and take the lead in reform. They have not only played a role in promoting the two “transformations” in rural areas, Important role in the practice of reform has also improved its own quality, growing maturity and maturity, history has become a vital force in the production of rural goods. In order to further understand the status of returning high and graduates from junior high schools in this great revolution in rural areas, give better play to their role in rejuvenating the rural economy, and reform and strengthen the work of returning high and middle school graduates. Recently, we In Rongcheng County for a period of half a month of thematic investigations. Now to understand the situation and some superficial understanding is summarized as follows:
现批准《磷渣混凝土应用技术规程》为行业标准,编号为JGJ/T308—2013,自2014年2月1日起实施。本规程由我部标准定额研究所组织中国建筑工业出版社出版发行。 Now approved t
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办青年报刊为了什么? 办青年报刊为了什么? 这个问题,似乎不成为问题的.各级共青团组织办的报刊的回答,固然十分响亮:“做共青团的也就是中国共产党,和青年大众的喉舌.”某