Understanding the Origin,Founding and Characteristics of Ethnic Regional Autonomy

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This article tries to understand the origin,establishment and characteristics of China’s ethnic regional autonomy,and states that the insist-ence and improvement of the ethnic regional auton-omous system can enable healthy ethnic relations, consolidate unity, preserve the unification, and reach a common prosperity.“Ethnic Regional Autonomy” was proposed on September 17 ,1949 , accepted by Premier Zhou Enlai,and was included in the draft document of gongtong gangling ( The Common Program ) on September 18-19 . It was approved by representa-tives of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) on September 27. Then“ethnic regional autonomy” was determined as one of the political systems of the People’s Republic of China. Why did the leaders of the Chinese Commu-nist Party and the representatives of CPPCC choose to implement ethnic regional autonomy? This is strongly related to the historical background and environmental factors. Firstly,the implementation of regional autonomy was an inheritance of the way former dynasties governed some parts of ethnic re-gions. Secondly,ethnic regional autonomy reflected the CCP’s philosophy in governing ethnic minority areas. Thirdly, regional autonomy was the require-ment of the representatives of minorities,especially of the representatives from the frontier areas. Fifth-ly,regional autonomy promoted the peaceful libera-tion of Tibet and its acceptance of the central government’s administration. The realistic value of this system was significant. From therequirement that “areas with a high concentration of ethnic minorities should implement ethnic regional autonomy”, we can draw two con-clusions:1 ) Ethnic regional autonomy refers to the autonomy of a certain region within the territory of China. This means that the People’s Republic of China is a whole and cannot be separated;2 ) Con-cerning regional autonomy,a region is on the local level,and must accept the leadership of the upper level administration. Regional autonomy clearly confirms the unity of China from the aspect of the construction of a national system,and confirms that the country cannot be separated. The ethnic auton-omous region is a part of Chinese territory,and as such, the autonomous organ must accept the lead-ership of the upper level departments and central government. Therefore,zhonghua renmin gongheguo minzu quyu zizhi shishi gangyao ( The Implementa-tion Outline for Ethnic Regional Autonomy for the People’s Republic of China ) ( 1952 ) formulates that: “ Various ethnic autonomous regions are a part of the PRC’s territory which cannot be separa-ted. The autonomous departments of various ethnic autonomous regions are the first -level local ad-ministration under the unified leadership of the Central People’s Government,and led by the upper level People’s Government.” This regulation uni-fied the local system within China. The CCP’s proposing and establishment of eth-nic regional autonomy is doubtlessly important,but knowing how this system has been developed from words to the actual construction of the system,and, then,explaining it from the aspect of construction is more valuable. Most areas of ethnic concentration in China are actually not occupied by a single group,but are areas mixed with different groups. While setting up ethnic autonomous regions,how to confirm or divide the scope of these areas with con-centrations of ethnic minorities was a question that had to be faced. According to the rules in the gongtong gangling, in addition to the distribution of the ethnic minorities,the local reality and histor-ical politics should also be taken into considera-tion. The purpose of setting up autonomous regions is to ensure and promote the minority people’s rights,help them build political administrations,as-sist them to become masters of their land,and par-ticipate in the political life—all of these are based upon the principle of keeping national unification and ethnic unity. In the early years of the new Chi-na, with instructions from the zhengwuyuan ( the Government Administration Council) and the Polit-buro of the Central Committee, a large number of autonomous regions were set up on the basis of the old administrative areas in order to safeguard the minority people’s benefits, and assist them to play the host position in their areas. In September, 1954 , the Constitution of the PRC stipulated that the administrative levels of the ethnic autonomous region are:autonomous region,autonomous prefec-ture,and autonomous county. The township has no autonomous right,and is called an ethnic township. In March,1957,Zhou Enlai gave a speech in the Preparation Meeting for Setting Up the Guangx-in Zhuan Ethnic Autonomous Region, and ex-plained the idea of ethnic regional autonomy. He said,“We are not advocating national division,and we also do not use federalism. The policy adopted by us is advocating the unity ,but not separation—this is suitable for our country’s historical condi-tions and social environment.” In August, the Qingdao Ethnic Work Conference clearly stated that China’s ethnic autonomous regions not only have an ethnic factor, but also a regional factor. The term “minzu”( ethnic ) includes all groups in this region,and all of them should enjoy an equal right of autonomy. The ethnic autonomous region includes both ethnic autonomy and regional autonomy. As region-al autonomy, it clearly states from the system that the autonomous region is an integral part of China;the government of the autonomous region is the ad-ministration on the local level and must accept the leadership of the central government. Hence, the construction of the autonomous system, or the se-lection of the leaders of the autonomous administra-tion is the same as in other areas in China.“Ethnic regional autonomy” was proposed and accepted when the first session of CPPCC was about to convene,and it became a political system of the new China. Although the time for putting for-ward this suggestion was not long, the CCP had practical experience in some areas, such as Inner Mongolia. Because it was a result of connecting theory with practice, it was accepted. Ethnic re-gional autonomy not only inherited the successful experiences of the construction of ethnic minority areas and their management in history, but it also considered related requirements of the ethnic elites in the frontier ethnic areas. As a result, it pushed Tibet’s liberation peacefully. The reason why the CCP choose to implement ethnic regional autonomy was also for the purpose of assisting the minority people to establish political administration, participate in political life, realize ethnic equity,provide mutual assistance,and fulfill prosperity and harmony. However, the creation of ethnic autonomous regions took note of the scope of the old administrative zones or even exceeded the original administrative zones. This reflected that the distribution of the various ethnic minority people of China is a complicated pattern of “one within an-other”. Hence, the ethnic autonomous regions do not mean a concentrated zone inhabited by a single ethnic minority. It also reveals that the ethnic au-tonomous regions of China not only have an ethnic factor,but also a regional one. It is a combination of ethnic autonomy and regional autonomy. Within the autonomous region,the position of various eth-nic groups are equal, and all of them have equal rights in enjoying autonomous rights—this not only accords with the purpose of building autonomous regions,but also builds and solidifies an equal,uni-fied,and mutual-assistance ethnic relationship. Because it has both ethnic factors and regional factors,ethnic autonomous regions share a similar aspect as other local systems in China. However, they also have their own aspect, that of the ethnic factor. When Chinese society stepped into social-ism, the ethnic minority people acquired political rights,and were in power,and had systematic guar-antees. The insistence and perfection of regional autonomy focused on economic and cultural fields;and the economic development and cultural pro-gress of various ethnic people in the region were promoted from the aspect of the system,and which were given a legal basis. The insistence and perfection of ethnic region-al autonomy is a must, and is also inevitable. We should pay more attention to the economic field;improve the condition of people’s lives ,and cultur-al constructions; use the right of “autonomy” to ensure and promote the local economic develop-ment, cultural prosperity; and let various ethnic people in the region participate and enjoy the ben-efits of local autonomy. Otherwise, there will be ethnic misunderstanding and even conflict.
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