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范钜清同志的毕业论文《汉语虚数英译研究》是迄今为止在国内外翻译界尚未为他人系统论述过的新课题。本文是这篇毕业论文的主要部分。论文共分四章。第一章扼要阐述了汉语虚数的特殊含义和结构,第二章主要讨论了汉语虚数的直译范围以及不适当的直译会造成误译的原因。构成本文的第三章着重介绍了汉语虚数英译的正确方法。最后一章肯定,与直译相比,意译乃是汉语虚数英译更重要的方法,同时使读者对意译法所涉及的若干问题加以密切的注意。必须着重指出的是:在本文(即论文第三章)中,作者详细阐述了汉语虚数妥为英译的种种方法,每种方法都有经过精选的若干实例并附必要的说明,以便使读者在处理含有虚数的汉语洲组或句子时,能就论文所示各种方法加以选择和仿效。 Comrade Fan Juqing’s thesis “Study on English Translation of Chinese Imitations” is by far the new topic that has not been systematically discussed by others in the field of translation at home and abroad. This article is the main part of this dissertation. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter briefly expounds the special meaning and structure of Chinese imaginary numbers. The second chapter mainly discusses the range of literal translation of Chinese imaginary numbers and the reasons for improper translation. The third chapter of this paper focuses on the correct method of English translation of imaginary numbers in Chinese. The final chapter affirms that, compared with literal translation, free translation is an even more important method of English translation of imaginary numbers in Chinese. At the same time, readers are required to pay close attention to a number of issues involved in free translation. It is important to point out that in this article (Chapter 3 of the thesis), the author elaborates on various methods for the proper translation of Chinese imaginary numbers into English, each of which has several selected examples accompanied by the necessary instructions When dealing with Chinese-language groups or sentences that contain imaginary numbers, readers can choose and follow the various methods shown in the essay.
摘 要:英语词汇的学习对英语水平的提高起着举足轻重的作用。新课程标准明确提出:词汇教学是英语教学的重要组成部分。如何帮助学生在单位时间内高效率地掌握所学的英语词汇,是中学英语教学中需要破解的教学课题。以下结合教学实践,就英语词汇的教学策略作些探讨。  关键词:初中英语;词汇教学;策略与探究  中图分类号:G633.41 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1992-7711(2016)22-013-010
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