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国家质量监督检验检疫总局近日公布对聚氯乙烯防水卷材、氯化聚乙烯防水卷材和沥青复合胎柔性防水卷材进行国家监督抽查的结果。这次抽查主要对北京、上海、黑龙江、辽宁、山东、江苏、浙江、湖北、湖南等9个省市的34家企业生产的36种产品,合格30种,抽样合格率为83 The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China has announced the results of a national supervision and random inspection of polyvinyl chloride waterproofing membranes, chlorinated polyethylene waterproofing membranes, and asphalt composite tire flexible waterproofing membranes. The spot checks were conducted on 36 products produced by 34 companies in 9 provinces and cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei, and Hunan, and passed 30. The sampling pass rate was 83.
近来 ,全国各地市场上空调又展开了新一轮价格大战 ,众厂家纷纷推出降价特价机型 ,很多消费者想乘此机会买个实惠。业内人士提醒消费者 ,在买这些降价或特价空调时要多加警惕
Most oil fields in China are found incontinantal sedimentary basin. Inthe absence of active aquifer, suchfields are developed by waterinjection at the early dev
CrudeIn 2000, China’s crude importsexceeded 70 million tons for thefirst time. The increase margindoubled as compared with theprevious year. The crudeprocessin
中国钨业协会常务副会长孔昭庆在国有大中型钨矿山矿产开发管理工作座谈会结束时的讲话中指出 :一、对我国钨矿资源保有储量及开发利用情况要有一个清醒的正确的认识。我国钨
今日的“昌林气囊”今日的“昌林气囊”已是济南昌林气囊容器厂在全国响亮的品牌。在船舶上下水领域和船用充气靠球领域 ,“昌林气囊”经受住了一次又一次的严峻的实用考验。
The project-New GatheringCenter 27 and 28 with a 260kilometr-long pipeline for the oilfield in the western part of Kuwait,contracted by China PetroleumEngineeri